Dearest Brother of the Path ~ Regarding your EXPLORING THE VENTS PDF Your ways work. I know. Given my life work (a wood-worker/artist), you would think I’d have developed carpal / wrist problems by now. Nope! Everyone around me is sick (or a cripple), dieing or dead. As far as feeling good by (the WF […]
There are a lot of us whose wrists and ankle joints are simply not flexible enough yet – or are continually being re-stiffened from cardio and strength workouts – to sustain the wrist and ankle stresses of a hard-core asana practice. My 20 year-old very simple workout known as, “Exploring The Vents Session” completely takes […]
Coach, Namaste!! Fantastic race report (Oraivi 8k in DL 8/11) – maybe I’ll bring the Bronx can-do clan out next year. Been rocking the Kinlani Flow DVD the past two mornings, followed by 10 minutes zazen, and loving it! Love, Student L’Gate
EC! Hope all is well with you and your family. I want to give you a brief update re: Sunrider Whole Food Herbs and MAP Amino Acids. Phase I: my body is on fire! My cycling volume has increased to 2 hours/day Zone 1 and 2 for 3 days; 3 hours/day Zone 1 to 4 […]
“This existence of ours is as transient as autumn cloudsTo watch the birth and death of beings is like looking at the movements of a dance.A lifetime is like a flash of lightning in the sky,Rushing by, like a torrent down a steep mountain.”– BUDDHA Didn’t it seem like yesterday when you experienced for the […]
Dear Coach- Have spent hours now in Pranic Junkie. This has tied everything together for me. The honesty and insight is simply crushing. I am honored to be involved with WF. Tom order your signed copy today and draw your understanding of WF toward her deeeeeepst Relams and take your Practice along with it! a […]
Every time I do the Exploring The Vents PDF Session, I go longer. I can’t grab my elbows (I would like to brag and say “too muscular,” but it is years of ignore-ance), but each time it gets easier. Tonight, I went out and threw the discus without pain…a first in a year! I also […]
Coach Ilg, For many years I was a personal trainer for a chain in San Diego and used your books for enrichment in my life as well as those of my clients. I always found that your knowledge was like a fortune cookie and that I could crack your books at any page and find […]