photos by my Beloved Ananda; click to enlarge to get a WF Chi hit of thedeepest effect; the birthplace of all that is the spiritual rasas of WF! i know many of you know this guy; my outdoor endurance sports hero and honored to say, long-time friend, Ned “The Lung” Overend. World Mountain Bike Champion, […]

“Racing is a privilege to the genuine yogi. It helps us train the mind in sustained concentration, acceptance of pain as purification, and prepares the subtle anatomy for deeper states of energetic transmission for Enlightenment. No true spiritual athlete can shortcut mastery of the body. Training the body wholistically is the First Base of all […]

Evening sunlight saturating what is. photo by coach a few days ago in the WF Temple H(om)e back garden. From my morning’s email bag…courtesy of WF Student GoTen in NYC.Thank you GoTen!And may ALL of us find more strength in our LifeStyle application of WF in our day today… om so ti,coach ilg ps; Don’t […]

This shot of myself was extracted from some of Bill Galen’s film footage from my recently released DVD; FLIGHT WITHOUT WINGS; Sport Snowshoeing Basics with Coach Ilg. order yours today at the Tribal Catalog; you will LOVE IT! below, Bill writes in with an inSight arising from his Practice and my mention of “Sacred Stones” […]

it is true that asana (the sustained stretching exercise component of yoga) can in fact create a ‘longer, sleeker’ appearance to the physique than does a strict bodybuilding or weightlifting only program. Asana, i suppose it can be said, creates a ‘cat-like’ physique as opposed to a ‘bulldozer’ physique from gym-only training or an anorexic, […]