no…you sweat-addicted duncehead…dat’s not a lacrosse stick i’m holding…

Like a kirtan chant picking up intensity, speed, color, vibration, and chi transmission…

so too, is my precious month of September…coming to an end as fast as whitewater rapids in early spring…God, how ilg loves the dance of the seasons!

come, wander with the ilg clan just west of Durango, north of Mesa Verde, and near the Utah border and celebrate September with us in Gratitude for all of her early autumnal treasures…

come, Warrior!  come Warrioress!  lay down thy dumbbell,  witness your egoic anger arise as you lay down your bike for one sun-kissed September day (i had too!) and pick some apples with Amma and Dewa and i beneath the Ancient wind whispers of Dibé Nitsaa…the Sacred Mountain of the North under which the WF Treasure was revealed through me…and please, don’t let too many more Septembers slid by without making picking apples your WF workout of the day…c’mon…

we started our mini-pilgrimage with Amma and Dewa’s FANTASTIC pumpkin pancakes!  as these two beauties were Practicing in the supraspheres of unclouded Awareness and Appreciation of the M(om)ent,  feeble ilg was huffing and puffing about “not being able to ride my bike 70 miles…” Fatherhood…no, CONSCIOUS FATHERHOOD…has certainly pushed the Divine Accelerator upon every selfish, sweat-greedy aspect of each and every one of my kosha’s and samskaric and egoic layers…geez…what WILL it take for miniscule ilg to overcome just ONE negative tendency of my massive ego constructs!?!?!

…however,  – and this is point of doing what you don’t want to do so that you can then – eventually – do as you please;

Shift Happens…and even a numbed-chakral spiritual neophyte like ilg can…

Begin Again, and Again, and Endlessly Again…

…until, maybe, just MAYBE  ilg will regain his Original BuddhaNature and be pure enough to swagger up to a grapevine and take the Grape Being directly,  as if from infant to mother, as it should be…

as if from infant (5)

to Mother may i suckle (7)

the grape of no-wrath  (5)

as it should be…

Apple Dying Beings, somebody’s shins, and Apple Tree Beings…

as i lay prostrate upon Mother Earth in an attempt to photograph the stupa-like, bare-heiny’d figure of Dewa beneath the generous-in-death dying of an apple tree,  even feeble ilg began to realize that this Fatherhood Journey of mine connects me ike an eon-old phurba to all my kind Teachers, Deities, and Guides of my past as well as to the Ancient yogis, saints, and compassionate actions-no-matter-what of practitioners.  though my ego would have preferred  the path of hermit than to the endless ricocheting of schedules and time/energy demands inherent to being the householder yogi ilg now finds himself in…all i can say is that i sense beyond the shadow of a Buddha, that these daze/days are in fact, sacred topography upon the map of my ever-evolving Soul..and that all my outer Pilgrimages give birth again and again to an inner pilgrimage far more sacred, far more subtle, far more exquisite than my feeble incarnation can even imagine to place before thee in word or form or action of any kind…

stumbling, limping, yet still stalwart on the Path,

your faintly-able Treasure Revealer

One Response to “Picking Apples among the Sacred Topography of September…”

  1. Sandra Lee says:

    thank u– i can smell the apples, the dirt, the sun, leaves and flowers…

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