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“Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.” – Cherokee saying. Shout out to new #ilgshighperformanceyoga Students; Valerie, Kara, Michelle, Emily, Gloria, Graham, and Claire. May you continue the stalwart Practice of HP Yoga®️, a pioneering and Path of Wholeness since ilg first introduced it in 1981…#ilgswholisticfitness

you know?

not much has changed when ilg reflects back on tonight and 35 years ago teaching yoga.

kids c(om)e in for a few weeks, all tatt’ed out, hair in winsome rasta braids, their young bodies all glistening, pores so young ilg wants to cradle them…. and these kids c(om)e, weeks pass, they are still curious ’bout this ol’ guy who s(om)ehow still puts the God-Awlmighty hurt on them yet they know nothing of Wholistic Fitness®.   if these beautiful young Warrior men and ladies would attempt to follow ilg through just one or two weeks of my personal practice of WF?

they’d be soooo far off the back ilg would have to send Sheriff Bruce Conrad for a S&R!


yet?  ilg loves them all.

each one which chooses to brave ilg’s Cave?


Love THEM!


they ARE our Tribe.


will they be brave enough to consider WF Online Training or Bodywork?   To Rise Higher in Wholeness?

One would think,   a young ilg sure did, that if a 56 year-old guy is kicking my ass in yoga,  what ELSE could i learn fr(om) him?




these Kali Yuga daze?  don’t get too much sincere follow through fr(om) the young guns.


just sayin’

and still

GO(O)D DAMNIT:  slayin’!


trust y’all are too!


need to hop back into WF Online Training?  let ilg know.


Here Now,

for YOU

since 1981

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