Thank You Teacher Ananda, and Coach Ilg, for carving this WF Path that when we choose to follow, Lights the Way.– Online Student Wendy Cooper photo above;Student “Coop” gettin’ ready to dance up some dacite at the Mt. Elden rock climbing area with Coach and Ananda during her WF Private Intensive last summer in Flagstaff. […]
Baby Unborn Daughter Dharma you know, Noble Sangha, no one ever told me that the most precious Teachings from our children actually arrive from them before they are born. already, several pages of Divya Dristhi (Divine InSight) fill my Unborn Baby Daughters meditation journal in our Temple H(om)e Zendo. She already has Taught me such […]
one of my Durango bro’s demonstrating what the phrase, “Wattage in the cottage,” means as he attacks the 25 mph pace and dives into one of the 6 technical turns in the Downtown Criterium during this past weekend’s Iron Horse Bicycle Race in Durango. only 30% of the racers that did the 50-mile Road Race […]
Even in the greatest yogi, sorrow and joy still arise just as before. The difference between an ordinary person and the yogi is how they view their emotions and react to them. An ordinary person will instinctively accept or reject them, and so arouse the attachment or aversion that will result in the accumulation of […]
Meeting of the Elder and his charge; yes folks, those of you old enough in WF to remember, Master Student Ken “Flex” Armstrong of my video; “THE FOUR KINESTHETIC TEACHINGS OF WF” will surely smile at this picture! this is Flex and i, reunited at the Finish Line of the IRONHORSE Road Race several years […]
She With Swollen Belly and i are off to my ol’ h(om)etown of Durango, Colorado for my first bike race of the season; the IRON HORSE BICYCLE CLASSIC! visit their website, take a glance at the profile of the Road Race and feel your toes cringe! it’s been snowing up above 10,000′. “Same as it […]
What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.– Thomas Merton “Thanks for the chi hit this morning Coach […]
If you are a 3x National Champion in UltraDistance MTB Champion like WF Student Timari Pruis (Kenda/Ellsworth), crashes and injuries are part and parcel to the Journey. During a recent injury recovery, Timari developed a blood clot and the doctors put her on Coumadin. One of Timari’s first priorities was to contact me to get […]