Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors!… “Don’t tell me what you are �going to do� or �what should be�. Tell me what you’ve done and what is.” – coach ilg � i have always thought we – as individuals – have a responsibility to bare our souls to that which rings true to our heart. i have […]
Feliz Namaste Noble Warriors! my ‘gift’ to you for this holiday season is a technique that will hopefully serve you well as you crank off those last minute shopping errands and merge into the turbulence of the holiday… thank you SOOOOO much for the strength of your Practice! in-joy the holiday…i’m going skiing… love, love, […]
“Make your intention attention.” – coach ilg ��� Namaste Noble Warriors! THANK YOU for reading! DIRECT LINES is now deepening its international following…most DL readers are not formal online Students of Wholistic Fitness but are customers of my books and High Performance Yoga video which continues to make waves across the country. That video is […]
Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors! off to go tele skiing…local area just got 6 ” last night… YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!! cold wind black ravens ski edges biting into whistling snow pine boughs sky tipped clouds colliding with infinity… thus the Dharma rides the chair lift by my feeble side… enjoy this update… and May Your Practice Be […]
�The disciplined mind is your only treasure.� – coach ilg ��� Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors! i have pulled myself from the high Sierra and am plugged back into LA. The transition is difficult: From a wild and white place of deep, natural integrity to LA where anything of substance, if still existing, must be bolted […]
Namaste Noble Warriors! First, a beautiful letter with a pretty practical response by me…then a salutation to all of you!… �Dearest Steve – Thanks for the beautiful class today. It’s sooooo good to be in your vibration. You’re so special. Sorry about my snoring during chivasana (??Spelling?)….I’m a bit road weary. : – )� K.A. […]
Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors! �True power hides in the bushes.� – Sufi Here are just a few of the recent Rays of Light that constantly stream into my email box from Wholistic Fitness and High Performance Yoga Warriors worldwide…you have little idea of how wealthy you make me feel by your devoted study along our […]
NAMASTE NOBLE WARRIORS! I noticed after Allan’s great letter which appeared in yesterday’s entry (see below), that it may be time for rehearsing what exactly do i suggest for most people when it comes to the SUNRIDER herbs. Sure enough, in today’s email came a basic question from long-time WF Student, Ellen from New Mexico. […]