Leg 2; 5k Run..
… I run as hard as i can upon my season-long injured knee toward the leader, Ott. i feel tranced, as if in some weird white-man contortion of a corn dance, eating up asphalt beneath my flying feet and spitting out pranic corn bread. I dance this 5k softly with conscious breath. With Higher Protection from the care from the WF Deities, my body receives gracefully the impact of a hard 5k on asphalt and i only lose two places to two national class (and much younger) athletes as i enter the Bike Transition in 4th Place overall.
My Tibetan Teachers would say,” The world ends everyday in all sorts of Ways for many Beings in many Realms.”
ilg has been doing and teaching the same and/or similar core movements for over 3 decades and am falling ever deeper in love with core training. why? i don’t use music, or fancy machines or other gimicks…i use core training to rescue over and over again my soul…by using core training as a form of Pratyhara (yogic sense withdrawl)