Chi-ldren are miraculous

Published on Oct 15, 2009 by in Baby Dharma, Coupleship

Chi-ldren are miraculous

Be there.Say yes as often as possible.Let them make lots of noise.If they’re crabby, put them in water.If they’re unlovable, love yourself.Realize how important it is to be a child.Go to a movie theater in your pajamas.Read books out loud with joy.Invent pleasures together.Remember how really small they are.Giggle a lot.Surprise them.Say no when necessary.Teach […]

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Conscious Parenting; of Hopi Auspicious Signs and…Teaching Two: Strike Three

click on pics to enlarge For those of you following my daughter’s Dharma Journey, the “Om So Ti’s” continue to rack up in the most exquisite array of snychronistic, auspicious Signs…however, the Key is; Consciousness…feeble ilg wonders at just how many more miracles pass before me without me realizing them due to my afflicted, clouded […]

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When Broken Hearts Spill Open…

Published on Jul 11, 2008 by in Coupleship

When Broken Hearts Spill Open…

Being positioned at the spiritual epicenter of many lives for many decades, it is not uncommon to be called upon for counseling when a Broken Heart crops up on someone’s karmic plot line. even ‘strangers’ turn toward those of us who Do The Practice. On July 5, 2008 my humble Temple H(om)e phone recorded no […]

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Warriors UP! A Call For Desert Warriors! + A Dewa Update!

Namaste Most Cherished Warriors, i’m taking the “Can Do Clan” down the hill to Sedona today and tomorrow. Our Mission;try to break the City Limits barrier with Dewachen. it’s hilarious ain’t it? here is ilg with an entire lifetime of being “America’s Outdoor Athlete,”… a wandering yogi up, down, across Turtle Island dozens of times […]

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Fatherhood TAF’s; Child Sadhana requires Pratyhara

(Note; the acronym TAF is my creation which stands for; Think-And-Feel. the intent in using it is to inform the listener that instead of just thinking about something; i have invested both Prana (Ha) and Thought (Tha) into what i am about to say…meaning, i have used Hatha Yoga to come up with what i […]

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Top Ten Reasons Why You Know You Are A Rookie Parent

Top Ten Reasons Why You Know You Are A Rookie Parent (with apologies to David Letterman) #10) You’re going to bed at the time you used to be getting pimp’d to go clubbin’.#9) Discover that putting Post-It reminders on your forehead to help the daze and confusion actually works. #8) Realizing you just answered the […]

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A Conscious Parent Teaches Only One Thing…

“A man and a woman sit near each other;as they breathe they feed someone we do not know,someone we know of, whom we have never seen.”– Robert Bly My Beloved Ananda is 4cm dilated.My life without child is nearly fully contracted.As much grief for my lifestyle ending accompaniesmy constant joy at the blossoming miracle of […]

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Baby Unborn Daughter Dharma; What is born will die…

Baby Unborn Daughter Dharma you know, Noble Sangha, no one ever told me that the most precious Teachings from our children actually arrive from them before they are born. already, several pages of Divya Dristhi (Divine InSight) fill my Unborn Baby Daughters meditation journal in our Temple H(om)e Zendo. She already has Taught me such […]

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