On Any Given Durango Summer Friday…

Mine were eyes, heart, and spirit too feeble to keep track of the astral magnetism of this river/mountain hamlet of priceless high-altitude prana today. For, within these ‘everyday moments’ which i forced myself out of the Awakened M(om)ent to attempt to capture periodically for you, was a mystical Breath inside a breath, as if each moment lived was a fractured cosmic code embedded upon soul wings on the verge of cracking due to abundance of a magnitude unspeakable…

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Daddy & Dewa Time = Sacred Time…

This morning, my Householder Yogi practice swung again into Full Tilt mode after my exceptional day yesterday hammering up and down my beloved San Juan peaks on my bicycle. Yesterday was like i was back in my Renunciate Yogi life; i was flying a time carpet into my Warrior Yogi youth; solo and surrounded by my Beloved San Juans, feeling strong as ever. Yesterday, ilg was Vishnu and Hanuman combined, nary a worry in the world as the volume of sweat which poured off my nose competed only with the blossoming roars of waterfalls spilling off the high country snowpack around me. Today? Not so much. Isn’t that just the Way of Things for a Father Warrior?…

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durango view smelter

ran up to T2 (tower #2…upper left) on Smelter singletrack in 24 minutes…felt like nothing…that Asea Sacred Water, is CRAZY! if you are not yet on it, get on it TODAY! ran down in 11 minutes…swear that 1,200′ climb has gots to be one of Durango’s best lunch-hour workouts! wore my zero-support Saucony Mirage’s…yum, yum, OM~ a Turkey Vulture drew a bead on me and swept right at me on the arete! rad!

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And Milarepa said: “Do not entertain hopes for realization, but practice all your life.”

i pedaled my bike thirty miles over two mountain passes at an average speed of 16 mph solo in high winds in order to try to make it to the girl’s “farm date.” on the west side of Mancos Hill my speedometer spat out the high speed stat of 78kph down choppy pavement and buffeted by significant crosswinds. on 26×22 wheels? lemme reMind you; speed, my friend, is relative…

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Amazing Ammaji Ananda; 3rd Place AG in Her First Ever Tri = Interview!

Joy gives a much needed hug to Dewachen moment’s after crossing the Finish Line during yesterday’s “Tri The Rim” triathlon…it was Joy’s first tri ever and her first competition as a mother…and she podium’d! Joy prepared mentally using my Pre-Event Meditation for the week leading up to the race. During the race, she used the the HP Yoga™ PROP WORKOUT mantra; “hum SAH!” to get her through her weakest event; the run. Whenever we apply our minds to confront and transform our weaker areas, therein lies the hidden, sacred kingdom of Wholeness! I grabbed that ever-involved with her baby girl new triathlete and coaxed a few words from her today…enjoy and be inspired by our First Lady of WF once again!!! Congratulations, baby!

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HAPPY 44th to Ananda!  Pics and Chi Hits!

all photos and pics by ilg unless otherwise noted…enjoy and THANK YOU for choosing to be a part of our WF Family!!!!

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(all access) Ananda presents the next; Family Time Yoga…Dewa and i will be there!

FamilyTime Yoga™ offered here in Durango,CO was created by my Beloved Partner, Joy ‘Ananda’ Kilpatrick through the devoted support of WF Students such as you and in particular…

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Ananda Update: FIRST= HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and…second= One Week to Her First Triathlon…

Oddly for me, i cannot find the words to tell you how unspeakably unreal you are as a Conscious Mother, Conscious Partner, and eloquent Liver of the Highest Path of Wholeness, Beauty, Grace, and Fierce Love. Most of us, including myself, are naught but sleepwalkers – drenched in Avidya – yet you, My Love, are an “A Wake-Walker” and without your true intention to be happy, I would remain undisturbed in my spiritual slumber. Happy Birthday, Precious Ananda…Treasured Mother of our rascally, adorable little Rinpoche who…

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