
i took this shot after picking up Ananda just south of Baker’s Bridge a few days ago after she did some triathlon training. as a family, we then threw sticks into a creek, watched Wapiti Beings relax into a sunset, and just enjoy other basic family necessities. such sweetness in the moment is the Blessed Common Denominator to living in Durango…

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Ananda Triathlon Update:  “Geez, i’m feelin’ pretty tired…”

quite frankly, i was surprised by all the Love Missives sailed this way from y’all when i announced that my Beloved Ananda was going to do a Triathlon in April…her first as a mommy and her first ever triathlon for that matter at age 44…

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don’t be scared; be sacred! actually i called it “High Performance Yoga” for a multi-layered effect; it really means, “Divine Action Union.” you? you just get through that front door, i’ll take wonderful care of you and after your first class you’ll be like, “OMG…! What TOOK me sooo long to do this?!” trust.

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Parents and/or caregivers along with children ages 3-8 are welcomed to join certified Yoga teacher Joy Kilpatrick and her family for this special FamilyTime Yoga gathering in celebration of Valentines Day. Incorporating age appropriate storytelling along with Yoga postures, guided breath exercises, chanting, visualizations, relaxation, games, arts & crafts activities to unite the Family from the heart center. No Yoga experience necessary to participate.

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(all access) Ananda To Speak To Holistic Moms…Ripples Make Waves

Since introducing her “Wholistic Stroller Fitness” workouts here in Durango, Joy “Ananda” Kilpatrick and Dewachen have been steadily trickling down the potent WF Wisdom to local mOMs.

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Even our biologic family may not necessarily be our deepest spiritual family, yet the Grocery Store clerk very well might…

Is karma really so hard to see in operation? Don’t we only have to look back at our own lives to see clearly the consequences of some of our actions? When we upset or hurt someone, didn’t it rebound on us? Were we not left with a bitter and dark memory, and the shadows of self-disgust?

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rinpo on train

fact; brain neurons are generated in humans until about 3 years of age. after this time, our brains have about the most neuronal ‘fitness foundation’ as it ever will. as a father of a radiantly healthy 3 year-old Rinpoche, my interest in this physiologic fact has been and remains sincere. in this Teaching i will […]

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"Lead from your Heart."

Published on Oct 26, 2009 by in Coupleship, Relationships

"Lead from your Heart."

ilg devotes this DL and bows to the immutable grace and strength of my Beloved Partner, the ‘great saint’ with whom live and love; Joy “Ananda” Kilpatrick…May All Beings Benefit From My Miniscule Progress To Be More Like Thee… photo by WF Student Shawna Schwaub. “Are you in Love?” the Teacher asked the Scientist. “Yes,” […]

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