Watching (your Dharma) Wheels Go ‘Round and ‘Round

ilg, watching his (Dharma) wheels going ’round and ’round. “The outer world don’t give my blogs or books or resume awards; in fact, many people disdain ilg…not that they can outperform ilg, even these days, however, that doesn’t seem to matter. it’s go(o)d, a perfect Teaching of Aparigraha. as my Teachers taught me; “All Karma […]

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How To Plug In And Thus Turn Off The Light Of Your Soul

give me Naked Training… not Plugged-In Ignorance: promise your miniscule chief this much, my Noble and faithful Warriors of the Inner Directed WF Way;if you EVER catch me training in my Beloved, Sacred Outdoor Sports wearing one of these robot robes,just cap my ass and put me out of my misery, okay? “Clinging to sense […]

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Bringing Go(o)d Consciousness into Everyday Sweat

Steve,Thank you for the personal reply. I am starting the WF journey for the second time. Last time, approximately one year ago, I complete Green Tara and most of Comsic Yang. I thank you for introducing to me to yoga, which I have fallen in love with. The spiritual journey is a good compliment to, […]

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Off To Dibentsaa; destroying the ignorance of fractured yoga

all photos and text by ilg… ilg only knows that which comes from feet that can fly,from biceps, lungs, and quadriceps that know no lie… the ignorant yogi disregards intense, daily cardio training,as if cardio fitness is not somehow a part of yoga.the wise warrior, content to make wholistic progress in all aspects of hisbody […]

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Of Love, Lizards, and more Teddy Training for me…

“There is a story of a Japanese man who had a powerful revelation while he was renovating a small house. When he was tearing down one of the walls, he found a lizard with a nail driven through its foot. On closer examination of the nail, the man could see that it was probably from […]

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Isn’t It Far Too Late?…PLUS A WF CHALLENGE TEST; Earn A Free WF Temple Gift!

A monsoon squall grasps the Sacred Peak last week like the Fist of Shiva! The monsoon summers in Kinlani*? like Paradise on Earth. please come, visit the mountain town wherein your WF Temple hides! Kinlani and the Sacred Peak of Doko Oosliid is right on your way to the Grand Canyon! ***Noble Sangha,thank you for […]

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coach and Ananda apologize…

photograph of coach and Ananda last week by Melissa Grimes; Melissa’s Photography Blog Noble Sangha, regardless of my 30+ years spent in Meditation and Inner Work, it remains a most difficult Sacred Duty being the Helmsbeing of WF. all such Inner Work done on myself has really only Highlighted the obvious fact that i have […]

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Sleepy Heads…The Spiritual Valor of Waking Up Early

Noble Ones, before the current era of Kali Yuga, before the Human Beings became so “busy” with chasing and grasping for outer, material wealth,“Tapas” – one of the 10 yogic guidelines known as the Yama and Niyama (see my book TBT) – used to mean performing austerities such as meditating on snow, or fasting, or […]

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