7 Dharma TAFs

Published on Mar 17, 2009 by in DharmaTalk

7 Dharma TAFs

this picture gets my “Living and Dying In Kali Yuga” award for the week…the photo shows the tens of thousands of ‘satellite debris’ now in orbit around our Mother. over the next decade a large percentage of this debris will be rocketing toward our homes down here on our Earth Mother. Yogic scriptures predicted that […]

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An Apres HP Yoga Class Love Song To You…

i bow to your Path.i bow to your Teachers…all of Them who led you Here Now.depending upon your Level of Awareness; everyone, everything is a Guru.anyone,anything that has brought you to tears,brought you to your knees,kissed you on the lips,made you shiver in Fear,quake with Love…those are Teachers in your exquisite life… your Awareness is […]

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The Q&A: Don’t Confuse Information With Understanding, Regenerative Nutritionist and Other Mind Items

click the photo to get a great Chi Hit of WF Warrior Andrew Ferguson of Durango, CO cranking to a 3rd Place Overall in the Blue Mountain Winter Triathlon near Monticello, Utah…one of the events that always seems to be in conflict with my own winter race schedule. Andrew is following my 3-Phase Approach to […]

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Time Out

Published on Feb 28, 2008 by in DharmaTalk

Time Out

“In the body of the world, they say, there is a soul. And you are that.”– Jalal al-Din Rumi before my next Teaching on Part Two of ENERGETIC INTENT OF ASANA VS. PRANAYAMA, i have to let you know what Brother Raven told me to tell you yesterday. i was driving home from a nordic […]

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The Sweaty Filled Art of Awakening; plus, Too Much "SurvivorMan"

InSights from yesterday’s SnowShoe Workout on “Secret Mesa” (it’s really not called “Secret Mesa”…i just like calling stuff “Secret”…always have: In order to increase the potentiality for spiritual awakening, the wise aspirant regularly seeks austere and ego-humbling exercise, preferably in remote mountain arenas and without the distractions of others or the comforts of too much […]

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Karma Dharma

Published on Dec 05, 2007 by in DharmaTalk

Karma Dharma

Karma means that whatever we do, with our bodies, speech, or minds, will have a corresponding result. Each action, even the smallest, is pregnant with its consequences. It is said by the masters that even a little poison can cause death, and even a tiny seed can become a huge tree. And as Buddha said: […]

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Dewa Dharma; A 2 1/2 Month Old’s Translation of "Humpty Dumpty"

i took this picture of my 90 day-old baby-daughter-Teacher, Dewa, yesterday after She absolutely schooled my lame ass on the metaphysical and yogic translation of one of our most common Nursery Rhymes. (click photo for even a greater amount of cuteness) At first, when Ananda and i started to read the popular Nursery Rhymes to […]

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"Lose Yourself In Love" – – plus, my most important PostScript yet…

On Nov 25, 2007, at 6:14 PM, Mike Singer wrote: Noble Coach, Heartfelt thanks for your WF Blessed Mala empowerments. I’m looking forward to receiving them, and to using them in my meditation practice. When I read your question in today’s DL… “How does one transcend the awareness of the objects; how does one annihilate […]

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