It’s very easy to ‘overthink’ WF. Those who are overwhelmed by the notion of WF need to stop overthinking…a predictable tendency among us Westerners. Instead, read the WF Sutras as i’ve written TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION. Read the chapter on WF Lifestyle Principles. Or, even less expensive, visit the WF SanghaLounge and read my Introductions to […]

click on pics to enlarge chi hit…text from Steve Ilg’spersonal journal entry, 10*28*09 “A lot of my Inner Work revolves around praying for more attentionthan paying more attention. It’s sad to admit i require Higher Help just todive deeper into everyday moments, yet it’s true.” above photo this morning by steve; snow detail on Bala […]

“No other outdoor athlete can put the “Om” in Extreme Sports as has Ilg for so long.”– Craig Templeton Whatever is happening to us now mirrors our past karma. If we know that, and know it truly, whenever suffering and difficulties befall us, we do not view them particularly as failures or catastrophes, or see […]
Dear Steve, Can you please advise? I have ‘experimented’ with yoga in the past but get disillusioned after a few weeks as I don’t seem able to increase my flexibility. I have especially tight hamstrings and lowerback/hips. At the moment I do do a cardio workout (cycling/power walking) 3-4 x week followed by at least […]

“Of course i love limber yogis…i mean,what’s NOT to love about limber yogis? it’s just that i happen to love EVEN MOREthose limber yogisthat can also find their breath and mula bandha whileBack Squatting at least twice their bodyweight for reps,racing a 10k in less than 35 minutes,and tele ski black diamond ski runs… then […]

“You better know the Spiritual Priority and Purpose behind the podiums and the practices that you undertake. A lot of fitness endeavors can be like gossip for the ego; satisfying for the moment yet lacks spiritual majesty. Most conventionally trained athletes spend all their lives training, training, training. . . . Only to meet the […]

click pics to enlarge awlright…enough of the cute baby pictures… November means only ONE thing to me: it’s NORDIC SEASON and i’ve got a State Title to defend!!! time to sharpen the biceps as well as the thighs…it’s time to make the appendicular musculoskeletal fitness as strong and enduring as the axial musculoskeletal fitness! runners […]

Congratulations PHILLIES!!! must have been that Dark Force of the name, “Devil Rays” which caught to that other team? now, forgive feeble ilg, however, why is that Baseball, Basketball, and Football teams in America get to call themselves “WORLD CHAMPIONS,” when,no other countries are even allowed to contest their sport? all i know from my […]