Healing Pose: After a spine fracture, climber Steve Ilg skipped surgery and found recovery in yoga. Photo: by HP Yoga Student;  James Q. Martin

Noble Wholistic Sangha of Sacred Sweat and Stillness,

i wish to thank Most Esteemed Student (and recent Imogene Pass finisher) Chris “Raven Sister” Kassar for her hard-rock mining determination to get your feeble ilg profiled for the amazingly resplendent www.elevationoutdoors.com publication…(scroll down to the bottom whereupon you’ll find the ilg feature)

OR:   here is the direct link to my  feature for your enjoyment…and, prayfully, your inspiration…


if you enjoy and benefit from it, send me an email at:  steve(at)wholisticfitness(dot)com

and i’ll make sure she and her publishers get it!

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