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pic by Mike Ellis:  Dewachen Ilg (12) crushing it at a recent Cross Country Racing for Durango Middle School.  Dewa and another local girl; Bryn Aggler will represent Durango at the State Middle School Cross Country Championships, October 19, Fehringer Ranch Park, Denver, CO.  


ilg needs YOUR $ support to help pay for Dewa’s phen(om)enal appearance at the State XC Championships!    this trip is waaay beyond my feeble yoga teaching inc(om)e!  please!  any dollar would be washed with Lineage White Karma Blessings upon thy Treasured Soul:
Paypal to:  steve@wholisticfitness.com

Having had the privilege to assistant coach the Durango Middle School Girls Cross Country Team to unHeralded (pun?) undefeated season?  Feeling a Heartspace need to shout out;  First,  to Chad MacCluskey of  Escalanté Middle School Teacher and Head Coach of Durango Trail Runners Cross Country who has – for 13 years – spearheaded the Middle School Cross Country Racing scene to phenomenal, yet totally unpressed performances among his runners!     Ya’ll likely don’t know that Durango Trail Runners trained and enabled 30+ boys and girls to attend crazy awesome Cross Country Meets at Aztec, Bayfield, Pagosa, Mancos, and Cortez.    At each Meet, the Durango Trail Runners kids demonstrated politeness, sportsmanship, and always finished on the podium.   Often?  It was the Durango Trail Runners kids who stayed at the Finish Line, still coughing from their exertion, to hand up high fives and/or water to every finisher ’til the last warrior/ess crossed the line.

Life lessons in integrity?  Still alive and well in Middle School Cross Country racing thanks to Coach Chad MacCluskey!

Secondly,  deeeep thanks to First Assistant Coach;  Bryan Bagdoll of Escalanté who always showed up with stalwart support for the kids after teaching all day.  To Jack Turner, and Coach Mike Ellis who –  besides leading our kids in coaching techniques –  also took incredible photos of EACH runner for free during the races which will endlessly imprint the preciousness of our child’s Noble Effort upon our Souls;  thank YOU, Coach Mike!   To the visiting alumni of Coach Mac’s runners who took the time to visit and sweat alongside our runs;  Anna Smagacz,  Tad Elliot,  Evan Elliot,  the Durango High School Cross Country Team,   Brett Sublett  of Durango Running Company who coaches the FLC Cross Country Team!   SOOOO impressionable were these High School and Collegiate Cross Country racers for the Middle Schoolers!  THANK YOU!

Finally?  Thank You to the involved Parents which support Durango Trail Runners!   In this spiritual dark age of kids codependent upon computers and cell phones for entertainment?  Cross Country Racing is the anti-venom of spiritual lethargy.   We, as a Village, should rally, go to, CHEER ON these young warriors and warrioress who are not lazily zoning out but zoning IN on a HIGHER, more Sacred Sweat from Within!    Cross Country Racing is hard, ilg knows by direct experience.  ilg raced Cross Country for Durango about 4.5 decades ago.   It’s not about entertainment, it’s about Inner Attainment.   We should all embrace this program in the decades ahead.  We need our OWN Middle School Cross Country Meet!  email me below if you’re on board!

Let it be known that from Coach Mac’s program?   Two girls will be representing Durango (hec, not unlikely our entire Western Slope!) at the Colorado State Middle School Cross Country Championships on October 19, Ferringer Ranch Park, Denver, CO.  Let’s give it up for Bryn Aggler and Dewachen Ilg to light it up at Denver and show those Front Rangers not just how hard we race in Durango?  Yet?  Far more importantly?  How nobly we present ourselves!

head bowed,
spirit vowed to my native c(om)munity beneath the Sacred Peak of Dibe’Nitsaa’…

coach steve ilg
father of Dewachen Ilg

818 590 2922

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