Namaste Noble Warriors! “In meditation you are neither “for” nor “against” your experience. That is, you don’t praise some thoughts and condemn others, but you take an unbiased approach. You let things be as they are, without judgment, and in that way you yourself learn to be, to express your existence directly, nonconceptually. That is […]
Namaste Noble Warriors! A SUNRIDER HERB Chi Hit for the Coach Ilg Downline contributed unsolicited by, Patti: Dear Coach Ilg – I want to check in with you and share a couple of things with you. Number one, I have not forgotten the kindness and guidance you have so generously shared with me. I hope […]
Namaste Noble Warriors! i ain’t big on birthdays. yogis are trained in the flow not aberration of life. besides, we “age” in so many ways; physiologically, psychologically, spiritually, egoically, athletically, pranically, emotionally, karmically… it seems to me, that chronological aging is least significant of all birthdays, if celebrated with drama in younger years creates a […]
Top Ten Things You Don’t Want To Overhear In A Yoga Studio by Steve Ilg, R.Y.T. 10) You call THAT a Down Dog? 9) Hey, will somebody turn up the air conditioner in here? 8) Does this loincloth make my hips look fat? 7) A Mr. Brahman called. He said to tell you, “Your posture’s […]
Namaste Noble Herb Eaters! SUNRIDER HERBS; The Official Nutritional Program of Wholistic Fitness Warriors Sunrider Update Missive: 5/22/03 by Steve Ilg, R.Y.T An herbal conundrum has evolved within me. Eating SUNRIDER (SR) herbs makes it feel GREAT to feel so dang good all the time…i mean, AMAZINGLY good…like, King of the World good… but then, […]
Namaste Noble Warriors! strength training photo shoot went amazing. 10:00 am: wayne and carlin took their first shot of me (Stiff Leg Deadlifts). 5:00 pm: 43 (yep, you read it right: forty three!) strength training movements later, we wrap. huge day. this is going to be a friggin’ book, you know whaddyam sayin’ ? if […]
Namaste Noble Fitness Warriors! off to spend the day shooting the STRENGTH TRAINING photos with Wayne Williams i’m feeling pretty fit for an old (41 this week) dude (considering my profession of being a personal fitness trainer in LA!) and i know Wayne’s work will make me look even fitter! time to bring the […]
Namaste Noble Warriors! “Yoga is more about learning to really stand on your feet, not your head.” – Coach Ilg I know from past experience, DL readers love hearing actual input from my formal Online Student’s responses to their end-of-cycle summations. so, here you go…an actual Cycle Summation with my coaching input. may your own […]