WF Devotee Kildahl on the Front Lines of my Silent Sports

click on pic for another ilg CHI HIT from footage by Bill Galen of ilg suffering during a 1k uphill sprint interval at 10,300′ during the filming of my FLIGHT WITHOUT WINGS; Sport Snowshoe DVD. which remains the only Sport Snowshoe DVD on the planet…although no one seems interested in distributing it for me! so, […]

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Caca Forte!

Published on May 28, 2008 by in Chi Hits

Caca Forte!

WF Master Student (there are only a handful of them walking consciously upon the Plane(t) Michael Cerame…in early spring, 2007 while on a WF Private Intensive here in Kinlani. In the background is Doko Ooosliid. Dear Coach, I was eating at an organic restaurant in Brooklyn and they had this quote on the wall: Mangia […]

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What A Difference A Week Makes…

Published on May 26, 2008 by in Chi Hits, Racing


this is kinda fun… my blog entry to my Red Racing Teammmates: Red Rock Racing Blog

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Hanna; "I was looking for wholeness. Not separated pieces of life."

Good morning Coach! You do not know me, but I am one humble subscriber of DL. I found you through the website of Hak, whom I found looking for inspiration for endurance training. In a way, my path to this path was predictable. I have been moving towards it, without knowing it existed. You see, […]

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Published on Apr 21, 2008 by in Animal Medicine, Chi Hits


Ilgbro,My brother took this photo…I’ll let your Tribe interpret the chi! It has movedus on this end!Feeble rj

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First Club Ride of 2008

Published on Mar 30, 2008 by in Cardio, Chi Hits, Racing

First Club Ride of 2008

Does doing THIS all winter… help doing THIS!?!?! uhhh… after today and the last few decades?i KNOW so! check it out: *** Oh,ain’t nothin’ says “MARCH” in Flagstafflike pedaling your road bike (MTB Trails still socked in snow)into a screamin’ headwind* that’s this close to tearin’ off your socks, shoes, helmets, and gonads… left Two […]

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The Agassiz Uphill – my Final (Frozen) Water Dance of ’07/08 Winter Season

click on photos for enhanced chi hits…all photos by; www.myracepics.com The First Annual Agassiz Uphill, sponsored by Kahtoola and Arizona SnowBowl. original event idea by steve ilg. “Actions mirror a man’s personality better than his words. The yogi has learned the art of dedicating all his actions to the Lord,thereby reflecting the divinity within him.”– […]

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Tele Heaven; it ain’t skiing till the heel is freein’…

click on photos to amplify the Chi Hit… WARNING: for you poor souls trapped in an office, this DL could cause Soul Arhythmia…GET OUT AND LIVE BABY!!!!!! WF Student John Devlin gettin’ devilish with some fantastic telemarks in a secret stash somewhere in the North Cascade backcountry (he ain’t tellin’ exactly where cuz he’s smart…however, […]

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