Two Wheeling Asana

Published on Apr 23, 2009 by in Chi Hits, Yoga


while waiting for Blogger to let me post pics,how about 5 minute of the Young Kidz style of Asana; SWEEET! This Will Make Your Tree Pose Feel Humble… sent in by WF Devotee Mike PowellTopanga, CA

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Published on Mar 14, 2009 by in Chi Hits, Dharma Teaching


click on pic for a greater magnitude of chi hit The nature of everything is illusory and ephemeral,Those with dualistic perception regard suffering as happiness, Like they who lick the honey from a razor’s edge. How pitiful are they who cling strongly to concrete reality: Turn your attention within, my heart friends. NYOSHUL KHEN RINPOCHE […]

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Warrior CT Shining bright…

Published on Jan 04, 2009 by in Cardio, Chi Hits

Warrior CT Shining bright…

dear coach, please find attached a photo of yesterday’s romp in the snowy woods up at Grouse Mountain. thanks for shining so bright! in love,ct ‘CT’ is Chris Tucker, from Vancouver…a highly treasured devotee of WF for many a pic of you enjoying the WF Lifestyle? send it in! nothing that your Coach Ilg […]

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The Light That Shines Beyond All Things…

There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.– Chandogya Upanishad photos by ilg; “i became absolutely enraptured one early morning last week by these Aspen Tree Beings which shimmered and dazzled their frost-coated limbs and twigs […]

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On Any Given (November) Weekend; CYCLE CROSS!!!

USA’s Jonathan Page (Planet Bike) on the run-up.Photo ©: Roberto Bettini/ Superprestige #4 – Hamme Zogge, C1, Belgium, November 23, 2008Elite Men *** text and photos by ilg except where by permission only please. click on pics to enlarge. *** “ilg, i can’t believe you don’t cyclecross race! it’s like ideally suited to you!” […]

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Nordic Reflections; This Weekend Sees The Start Of The REAL WORLD CUP!

yesterday evening,roller skiing beneath an alpenglow splashed across thethe Sacred Peak…a sudden and timeless peace comes to my Soul when Oneness seems to mix sky withmy sweat…a release of hormones floods my aging,blessed body and mind; i grow young again and again and endlessly again. more seductive than any x-rated anythingis this sweat and sky […]

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Lance Armstrong says, "I can’t rotate my pelvis,"…uhhh, gee, i wonder why.

“I don’t think we are all going to sit around and sing ‘Kumbayah’.”– Armstrong is aware of the strained relationships with the Tour de France.Photo ©: Mike Gladu (Click for larger image) *** Some people think i can’t be “won over.”Not true.You know that Boy Band dude, Lance, on “Dancing With The Stars”…yup, he’s winning […]

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Beings Of Light…if we reMember…

click on photos to enlarge the Chi Hit! We must all-Ways remember, Oh Mighty Limb’d Warriors of our Precious Path,that we were born from,are sustained by,and will return again to;Light…Divine Light is our Nature for we have done enough SoulWorkthroughout these last few eonsto have earned a Human Incarnation…and..Human Beings are a Solar Tribe…that is,we […]

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