Coyote Medicine

Published on Mar 25, 2010 by in Native Americana

Coyote Medicine

i’ve been following the hyper-adaptation response of Coyote here in Kali Yuga. inspirational adaptation to imposed demands. we Wholistic Yogis who struggle so gamely to adapt our equanimity to our circumstances and changes and difficulties…we can certainly learn by following the keen wholistic sense of the “Trickster.” reminds me of a Native saying,“A feather fell […]

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humanity = humility…WF Exercise Profile; Gaia-adambhasana

icy creek, by steve ilg human and humility = root word (no pun intended) is ‘humus.’ meaning we are soil-born. outside my Animas River office, wild geese flap upstream…genuine human culture has GOT to be about cultivation, not pure consumption. i feel the Ancient Ones humility within me today… may your own Practice today be […]

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The Top Yogi Squat of 2009!…Warrior Leaf!

click on photos to enlarge the Chi Transmission Hey Coach, sure hope your Wholiday was great, honestly. As for my wholiday it was about as genuine as it gets back home. I finally took some time to snap some pics. for my archives and I thought that I would share one of my favorites with […]

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Native American Dharma Story…

Published on Aug 29, 2009 by in Native Americana

Native American Dharma Story…

Grant your blessings so that my mind may be one with the Dharma. Grant your blessings so that Dharma may progress along the path. Grant your blessings so that the path may clarify confusion. Grant your blessings so that confusion may dawn as wisdom. GAMPOPA Noble Sangha,well, i’m just about out the door to crank […]

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Coach nails 4th Podium In 4 Different Sports This Season; Oraivi 8k – Hopi Footrace

“If you’re lucky enough to be a runner, well then, you are lucky enough.”– Hopi Sayingphoto from last year’s Start Line at Old Oraivi…our nation’s oldest continually inhabited village (established in 1150). that’s pale face ilg, the only one with pecs, right behind last years and this years first place female winner, Alvina Begay – […]

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Why WF Feels Soooo Familiar To You…

“If time truly is endless, we are very wrong to think of it as a straight line that stretches from a distant past to the most remote future. That line simply has to be curved. Sooner or later, it must meet itself and form a circle. Only circles go on forever. Perhaps, as we are […]

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Taking On The Tour de Ski…plus; Spaceships!!!

Mt. Rainer and “Spaceship Clouds” from Peter Murray of Vashon Island, Canada Most Precious Sangha, some pretty big Energy sweeping around the Temple these days…i’ll fill you in after the weekend. i’ll do my best to blog before i leave, however, if i don’t make it (i know my Snowshoe Race Report is past due!) […]

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Teachings from the Get Here Now Snow Guru

as a yogi, feeble ilg realizes “i’m” to remain as much as possible in the Eternal Now. however, because ilg is such an astonishingly feeble yogi, “i’ve” been very much taken out of the Present M(om)ent because of a Deep Love for winter weather. i nearly pack’d up my Clan to drive over to Telluride […]

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