IPR summit

THUMBS UP for Peter Diamond; our point warrior at BodyHealth, Inc…makers of the priceless MAP Amino Acids. as ilg has attempted to Teach you throughout these decades, it’s really, really important to every now and then, pay it back to someone whose honest hard work often goes unheralded, unknown, and perhaps unpaid…such is the case for our point-warrior at the guard of BodyHealth, Inc..makers of the incredible MAP Amino Acids. below is my salute of his energy to his boss; Dr. Minkoff…photo: ilg on the 13,000’+ summit of Imogene Pass Race, 2008. Imogene is one of the Three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of Wholistic Fitness™.

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There are those who look on death with a naive, thoughtless cheerfulness, thinking that for some unknown reason death will work out all right for them, and that it is nothing to worry about. When I think of them, I am reminded of what one Tibetan master says: “People often make the mistake of being frivolous about death and think, ‘Oh well, death happens to everybody. It’s not a big deal, it’s natural. I’ll be fine.’” That’s a nice theory until one is dying.

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WF Member’s Only: 15% Ongoing Discount for
ATHLETE’s OCTANE…see below for your coupon code and: BEGIN TO WIN!!!

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sometimes, the gnarled root of complexity dissolves in the shining sphere of Knowledge…

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(all access) More Tales From The “MAP”;  Proof is in regeneration! – Student Patricia

Well, if you don’t trust in my racing resume, then how the archives of WF Student Testimonials in the SanghaLounge…another one came through today from Patrica in PA…see below and then, GET ON and STAY ON the MAP Aminos!

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Evergreen is all about Chlorophyll. And Chlorophyll (CHO) is all about ‘eating Light’ or as yogis would say, ‘absorbing the Pran or Life Force”. In my 28 years of being a SUNRIDER Leader (and an ‘Evergreen™” devotee), i’ve found that young children are deeply attracted to Evergreen™, as well as those in chronic low-energy. Why? Because young chi-dren (like my 3-year old daughter) live so close to the Chi that they instantly recognize that they are eating ‘more chi’! Those in chronic pain cherish the ‘feel’ of Evergreen entering their body because they can really feel more Life Force entering her cells. Yogi’s fall in love with Evergreen instantly, because they, like small chi-ldren, live energetically cleaner lives; they can Sense pure, concentrated Prana (or Chi) in a millisecond. Taking Evergreen is sort of like doing a half-hour of devoted Yoga Breathing (Pranayama). It develops and amplifies the Pran within the body.

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Both Calli Beverages – Regular and Night – are superb for athletes.  Athletes cannot afford to do intensive fasts or cleanses that weaken neural sheaths/transmissions.  Drinking Calli each day is an ideal method for an athlete to acheive cellular purity which of course, results in a a higher metabolic functioning which inevitably produces a stronger, more whole physiology.  Recovery, Strength, and Power along with Mental Focus is precisely why the Shaolin Monks created this absolutely unique beverage which is exclusive to SUNRIDER Herbs™ 

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ilg told you all back in 1982: Milk is poison!
now…FINALLY, once again, the Outer World WAKES UP to another 3-decade long WF Nutritional Principle!

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