ilg wins Overall MTB Title at Run, Rock & Roll…

hero shot holding my beautiful framed original picture and killer schwag from winning the Overall MTB title at this morning’s Run, Rock & Roll near Monte Vista…

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WF Alchemy Again:  From Studio Yogi to Ultra Trail Marathon Man in 7 Months; Yogi Josh

and here, at mile 26, i felt…. fine. i had a full tank of pranic gas in my legs. my core was lifted, my head high, the integrity of my divine structure uncompromised, even after the grueling hills, the dramatic fall, the miles of effort. for someone who, seven months ago, had never run more than 10 miles in his life, to be in this state after an uphill marathon at altitude was absolutely remarkable…. and i attribute it all to you.

the journey we have taken together has quite simply redefined what is possible for me as a human being. and within the beauty that is the divine alchemy… my whole life is physically and spiritually transformed. i cannot thank you enough.

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imogene 2009

Registration opens for the second of the three WF Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages; the Imogene Pass Race…if you missed this weekend’s first WF Sacred Sweat Pilgrimage (the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic) don’t miss the hole shot on this one, cuz if you wait until next year, you’ll just be one year older…

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yogi josh

I set the intention of running the Jemez Mountain 50k trail marathon last October. I had recently returned from a series of devastating mudslides in Ladakh, India where over 1,000 people lost their lives. I came back in a difficult place, needing some time to heal and reconnect with friends and family. I also came back keenly aware of the preciousness of this life, and with a renewed sense of what is possible for the human being, how much brilliant potential we carry around with us every day.

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Enjoy this clip with HP Yogi Gaige Sippy, Director of The Iron Horse Bicycle Classic – one of the Three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of Wholistic Fitness™! (i’m getting a little nervous about riding over that crazy bridge during the mountain bike race!)

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Amazing Ammaji Ananda; 3rd Place AG in Her First Ever Tri = Interview!

Joy gives a much needed hug to Dewachen moment’s after crossing the Finish Line during yesterday’s “Tri The Rim” triathlon…it was Joy’s first tri ever and her first competition as a mother…and she podium’d! Joy prepared mentally using my Pre-Event Meditation for the week leading up to the race. During the race, she used the the HP Yoga™ PROP WORKOUT mantra; “hum SAH!” to get her through her weakest event; the run. Whenever we apply our minds to confront and transform our weaker areas, therein lies the hidden, sacred kingdom of Wholeness! I grabbed that ever-involved with her baby girl new triathlete and coaxed a few words from her today…enjoy and be inspired by our First Lady of WF once again!!! Congratulations, baby!

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“The Practice works, if YOU work the Practice!” – coach steve ilg

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Ananda Triathlon Update:  “Geez, i’m feelin’ pretty tired…”

quite frankly, i was surprised by all the Love Missives sailed this way from y’all when i announced that my Beloved Ananda was going to do a Triathlon in April…her first as a mommy and her first ever triathlon for that matter at age 44…

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