
Coach Ilg as captured in Yoga Journal, performing Vrkasana or Tree Pose. photo by WF Student Mike Powell.

Dear Coach,
Vrksasana or tree pose is challenging. Whenever I lift a leg I start to lose balance. I get the “leaning tower of Pisa” look in order to maintain some stability even with my leg down near the opposite ankle. Is this a function of core strength? I am being patient and taking what I can each time.



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road race ihbc

Our Daily Sweat is instead a necessity toward transforming our lives into a graceful symmetry of self. What I am saying is that lifestyle fitness is like a daily base camp for developing more meaningful life journeys.

My Daily Sweat is no longer chained to the actual droplets (or cascade) of perspiration during racing or training in my beloved High Peaks…

I’m gonna let you in on something about me that most do not know about “America’s Outdoor Athlete.” Shhhh…

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NEW!  HP Yoga™ Sequence: New Year’s Flow, 2011

New Year Flow; 2011

Here is an offering for your solo asana Practice in celebration of your devoted support, strength, and spirit. This Slow Flow HP Yoga™ vinyasa routine – which takes between one hour to 90 minutes depending on how deliciously deep you want to go – was created throughout 2010. This NYF 2011 reflects some of my most healing, energizing, and popular sequences from my personal and professional yoga practice and instruction. I actually refined this routine in early December, 2010 while channeling during solo asana to Self Heal a severely sprained knee. The salient and palpable training effect from this flow is a deeply rejuvenating tonic for the body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy! All abilities.

Translated directly from my Zendo Notes…

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tonight. WF Tribal H(om)e Zendo. looking down from within Swastikasana…one of my go-to Meditation Postures. an undertraffic’d asana, it seems. photo from phone, ilg. the difference between a yogi and an athleteis obvious to anyone wise enough to be both. scintillating as well, is the fact that the obvious differencesare also their most intriguing and […]

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PostCards From Durango; Spring, Stairs, and Family Sweat

click on pics to enlarge the Chi Transmission…all photos taken on Sunday by steve ilg unless noted otherwise. please ask before republishing, por favor… Dibé Nitsaa overlooks the WF Temple H(om)e…my chi-ldhood Sacred Peak. Note the obvious ‘yoni’ manifested on this Sacred Peak of the North – strikingly similar to the Himalaya’s most sacred peak, […]

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Ashtanga Yoga is often Ouch-tanga Separation – Protecting Joint Beds during Asana; A Sample HP Yoga® Weekly Program

Jumping For Joy is not only a great classic rock climbing route first put up by Yvon Chouinard near the Nutcracker in Yosemite, it’s only what Dewachen is doing as she grabs air on the tramp this morning. Joy feels Dewa’s vicariously; that wonder-ful feeling of being as light as a feather. photo by ilg […]

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Don’t Waste Time

Published on Oct 16, 2009 by in The Yogi Coach Column

Don’t Waste Time

in my Zendo, prying deeeep into my pectineus/quadratus femoris/piriformuswith MahaBanda engaged and spraying Ujjayi Pranayam directly into thismost potent spiritual workplace; this type of deep asanic-pryingwhile in a variation of swastikasana is vital for endurance athletesto free the energetics of the power chain musculaturewithin the hips… ARE YOU CONFUSED ABOUT HOW TO FLIPYOUR PASSION FOR […]

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Part Two; NOT ALL SARCOMERES ARE CREATED EQUAL; Why HP Yoga Is Vital For Tendon Health

“The skillful art of lifting weights in the fierce poetry of “Yin and Yang Awareness” is what characterizes a Wholistic Fitness® warrior in a gym. We are trained in conscious elegance of posture and breath while responding to the Yin and Yang of the imposed demands inherent to strength training.” nothing an ilg loves better […]

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