Real Devotion Is Not Mindless Adoration

click on pics to enlarge.all photos courtesy of the WF Temple unless otherwise noted. do not republish. thank you. QUESTION:Can you identify the difference in Mindset among the following pictures taken from my own version of a WF Lifestyle? test photo #1: Inner workouts far outweigh any physical workouts throughout my life, working my Training […]

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Power Yoga?

Published on Feb 09, 2009 by in WF Teachings, Yoga

Power Yoga?

click on pic to enlarge “A true sign of progress along a genuine path of wholeness is when our conditioned, inculcated Human Interpretation is slowly being replaced more and more frequently by Divine Perspective.” – coach ilg photo: Ananda looks out over the birthplace of Wholistic Fitness, my Beloved San Juan Mountains near Telluride, Colorado. […]

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Get Real; Understanding Indirect Violence

“If we choose to live “on the grid” in America in any way, shape, or form,we need not look very far at all to find that through ouractions, we say ‘yes’ to innumerable things that, philosophically,we may oppose. Just wearing clothes, having a bank account, owning a car or house,using a plastic toothbrush, climbing a […]

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Fierce Severing of Entertainment = InnerAttainment

“on mornings when i need to be Mr. Mom,that is,on days when my Sadhana (spiritual practice)is the Conscious CareTaking of my daughter, Dewa – a very difficult and high practice which irefer to as, Dewa Sadhana in order to reMind me that Conscious Parenting IS the Highest of Spiritual Work – my Early Morning Ritual […]

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Coach’s 10-Step Prescription For Fundamental CHI DEVELOPMENT and BODYFAT LOSS (excellent for use during steep economic headwalls):

HP PROP® known by direct sweat and spirit the world over: “Because stiffness, weakness and imbalanceare NOT our True Nature!” – coach ilg, shown above in his self-healing since a spinal fracture in ’83 *** “Let the silence of your sweat(lodge) speak for itself; each day if possible.” – coach ilg, “The MultiSport Mutant”- OUTSIDE […]

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AUDIO DOWNLOADS now available!

Published on Feb 25, 2008 by in WF News, WF Teachings

AUDIO DOWNLOADS now available!

regardless of what your Invoice might read, THERE ARE NO SHIPPING CHARGES are ever added to ANY AUDIO or PDF Purchase! Most Noble WF Website Manager, Hakado Ru, had his perseverance tested while attempting to install the latest Audio Download technology to our humble Online Pro Shop… it is with great and deep respect and […]

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so there i was the other week, fully immersed in my mantra while doing one of my Morning Rituals; Zen Sweeping along the Buddha Garden Path. Suddenly, this lady comes walking hard upon Mother Earth, turning toward me right around the corner in my own backyard. Startled like a deer from my inner reverie, i […]

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THE WF EPITAPH SERIES #1; A Meditation Exercise

“That goodness is what survives death, a fundamental goodness that is in each and every one of us. The whole of our life is a teaching of how to uncover that strong goodness, and a training toward realizing it.” – Sogyal Rinpoche, My earliest formative spiritual training was the Tibetan Mountain Lineage. That Path has […]

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