Blessed Pilgrimage: Student Cerame Skis into Sartori

You never truly know what you are gonna get from me when you make the bold and wise move to take Pilgrimage to the Sacred Peak for a Private WF Intensive. especially during the Season That Really Packs The Prana; WINTER! Take Most Noble and Cherished WF Online Student Mike Cerame. Brooklyn born and bred […]

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The Devil Wears…A Bluetooth Helmet?

The following is NOT, i repeat NOT, science fiction or a joke.it is an advertisement i found this morning on the Internet for a skiing/snowboard helmet. i have italicized the words in their text that are in direct violation of the Dharma Protection Code of Once Natural Wisdom: “The RED Frequency Audex Motorola Bluetooth Helmet […]

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The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2

Published on Feb 01, 2007 by in WF Teachings, Yoga

The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2

Cannot tell you how amazing is this Beloved Soul… Do yourself and your Practice a nice, fat favor and read Teacher Ananda’s second installment of The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2. I would like to say that her obvious Dharma Wisdom and Metta that flows so steadily and radiant from Ananda could be largely contributed to […]

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Student:Dear Coach,You mention using a prop for yoga… Coach:search in the SanghaLounge for the Temple Teaching on using props in asana.for 90% of the time, we only use the foam blocks for my HP Yoga Prop Workout video. Student: I admire your tenacity and will in the face of the challenges brought forth by your […]

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Divine Will? The World is Illusion? …i don’t get it!

“To discover an Outer World, we must first recognize and establish some sort of a relationship with our Inner World. The key is development of sustained concentration.” – coach ilg above; WF Teacher Ananda sustains her concentration during vinyasa in 28-degree weather. the yogi must work hard to keep chipping away at overcoming Duality. a […]

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Can You Doubt Your Doubt?

Published on Jan 07, 2007 by in WF Principles, WF Teachings

Can You Doubt Your Doubt?

Can You Doubt Your Doubt? “If you are strong enough to doubt your strength and willingness to do something,are you not as equally strong to doubt your doubt?”– coach ilg photo; eventually, all WF Students practice Pranayams each day in the ongoing effort to stabilize our mind, develop equanimity of body and mind, and attempt […]

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Moccasin Wisdom

Published on Jan 05, 2007 by in Appropriate Action, WF Teachings

Moccasin Wisdom

Moccasin Wisdom by coach steve ilg, cpt/ryt/uscf “Do not judge another man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.”– Native American saying Do you deserve your Pain? You might be surprised at the answer. How long has it been since you performed an UnAssisted Shoe Placement and Removal? The WF Master Student never […]

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My Dec. Practice Stats; Of Pranic Reliance and the conquering the Holiday Dragons

Oh, i know, the excuses for losing Abhyasa (steadfast Practice) during the holidays are old, predictable, and so easily justified. There are the family get togethers,pressing work projects that need finishing (like the post production work on my new DVD!),and preparation of All Things (particularly SKIING!). However, the WF Warrior’s Practice remains unfluttered by such […]

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