HP Yoga; Committed to developing Strength before Suppleness

“HP Yoga, a sub-discipline of Wholistic Fitness, will never produce suppleness before creating the functional strength to protect it and make it a useful tool toward Enlightenment.” – coach ilg in padmahamasana captured by famed photographer, www.doritthies.com Surprisingly enough, more and more Seekers are finding their Way to the Wholistic Fitness Temple through the Path […]

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Beauty and the Dharma?

Published on Oct 08, 2007 by in DharmaTalk, WF Philosophy, Yoga

Beauty and the Dharma?

“When fame really hit me was when Legends of the Fall was released three years after Thelma & Louise. You get no warning about what celebrity is or how to deal with it. It’s sort of multitiered. The initial stage is feeling discombobulated and not up to the task. I didn’t understand the incessant attention […]

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Wednesday; Off The Grid and into the Eternal Witness

A heads up, especially for my Online Students;i guess we are going to be out of electricity all day tomorrow (Wednesday)(hey, it’s still the wild west, you know)so DL will be back on Thursdayand i have all SORTS of great new Teachings lined up; also, thank you for all the kind words about the last […]

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You Want Divine Downloads? Open Thy Hips…or, are you too chicken?

After my hips opened after about 15 years of near daily effort… PHEW!!!The Divine Downloads that came and kept comingand keep comingwere and remain INTENSE! Sooo much Chakra Level Guidance with a never beforepresent Sourcing from Humor & LoveHumor & LoveHumor & Love To tell you my Truth?winning overall podiums and setting course records inUltra […]

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Temple Gong: Crank off 108 Sun Salutes Tomorrow Evening!

coach’s note:do 108 SUN SALUTES TOMORROW NIGHT “Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Ghandi HP Yogi’s can crank off rounds of either Series A or Series A-Modified as described in my TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION BOOK, pages; beginning on page 87. DO NOT HURT YOURSELF! REST when you need to rest! […]

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It Really Depends Upon Where You Feel The Importance Is…

coach in Ardha Matsyendrasana; one of those great “Karmic Keys” into the often painful, barbed wire intensity of my hips. this and the photo of Ananda and i in Vashisthasana variation (below) by Melissa Grimes. *** i realize that most men my age have already invested most of their energy, training time, and well; lives […]

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Yogi Squat Concentration Curls; A Mind/Body Explosion of Concentrated, Deep Fiber Yoga

the first thing ilg feels the need for after a hard Cardio workout (which is predominately a ‘yin’ endeavor) is the deep fiber masculinity of Strength Training (which is predominately a ‘yang’ endeavor). This devotion to yin/yang balance (aka; Shakti/Shiva in yoga) is known as Wholistic Fitness. To cultivate too much of either yin or […]

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Understanding The Rhythm Of Fitness; a sweat animated sequence

Life is not about how fast you can run, or how high you can climb. Although, cultivating such skills are required to know the Buddha of Intensity. Life is really about how well you can bounce. The highly skilled yogin possess strength, endurance, suppleness, and the mental control in order to maintain the rhythm of […]

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