2.5 mile high club;   MTB Hill Repeats/Jump Squats Workout…

High Mountain Hurl…end of the first set of 2 x 5 sets of 40″ MTB Hill Repeats into 30″ Jump Squats…at 12,300’…

oh there’s Pilates, there’s Kettleballs, there is “power yoga” taught by low-landers…however, when it comes to Wholistic Yoga? there is still only one ilg – at nearly 50 years old – willing to puke black blood since 1981 just to Rise Higher Within…Toward Wholeness…Toward genuine Union with the Divine; aka; Yoga. come on…let’s share my workout today…

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dewa’s moon


Durango, Colorado

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Steve Ilg, owner and founder of the internationally-acclaimed High Performance Yoga™ is pleased to announce a relocation to a larger studio for his popular yoga classes in Durango.

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(all access) Adho Mukha Vrkasana

Published on Aug 10, 2011 by in Teachings, Yoga


“Downward Facing Tree” which is what the Sanskrit name means, requires maturity from roots, just like a tree. in this case however, your ‘roots’ are your hands instead of your feet. so, in the same way a rock climber must steadfastly train his or her finger strength for crucial contact strength of the connective tissues of the fingers, hands, wrists, and elbows…so too, the yogin must use…

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leader board

…the interesting thing about being high up on a Leader ‘Board’ is that it’s never boring…Spiritual Awakening is the same way; the mundane turns miraculous. It’s like when you quit rationalizing about going to yoga and just commit to show up; no matter what. soon, the extensors start extending when the flexors flex, instead of shortening. something REAL is happening within; discs stop getting herniated, muscles stop cramping, and the body has less of itself to fight….

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medium form

…make SURE you’ve got the classic flexibility routine of WF™ which can be done in a few minutes; the ideal warm up and cool down for all sports!

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yoga profile

Hey Coach,
I’m a long time fan…I know your yoga classes are legendary for being tough so I want to “ease” into it if you know what I mean…which are harder, your Monday or Wednesday classes?

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(all access) “We can’t all be Champions, however, we can train like them!”…


i once shared a MTB ride with Cadel up Jones Creek when he was still a mountain biker…he eagerly sought more discussion about the Tibetan cause once i told him i studied at Naropa; it’s great to hear that Cadel is still actively concerned about Saving Tibet ! He was a super, super nice guy back then and..

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