click to enlarge “Just as surely as there is mental power in the body, likewise there is this cosmic power which yogis know as “kundalini.” In athletes living only in the sweat plane, and in yogis living only in the studio plane, it remains covered by tamoguna…the layered thickness of addictive, lazy patterns accumulated over […]
“What goes up, must come down.”– common “It is best not to be overly excited or too depressed about the ups and downs of life.”– The Dalai Lama upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize “The yogi, trained in equanimity, attempts to reside in the space between the Highs and Lows of life circumstances and keeps […]
“Resort to your Highest Weakness and enter there; dive into your deepest Pain for therein lies the purest of your Truth; Awaken to the understanding that each relationship we experience on this Plane(t) is perishable. Every belief structure; illusion. Every thought; changing. Every limit is a creation of mind. Know this to find your most […]
…we pick up our story the day before the… Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon …a good 15 years has passed since i last attempted this race as a soloist… last night; my Mt. Taylor special ski’s were waxed and the climbing skins attached… this morning;12″ more of fresh pow has hit the Snowbowl, just 17 minutes […]
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires […]
For those of you with that insatiable Mt. Taylor Quadrathlon curiosity, WF Devotee Hakado Ru just did a great interview with my Taylor Teammate of the past two years, the extra-ordinary Lisa Goldsmith… enjoy the chi… Lisa Goldsmith Interview
click on illustration to enlarge… contributed by long-time WF Devotee Ken “KenDo” Doyle, who uses the WF Teachings and SUNRIDER herbs out on the links each day as one of the nation’s top PGA Golf Professional in Connecticut. Thanks, KenDo, i’m bringing this with me to this Saturday’s running of the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon…i’ll […]
Unlike any other Path abiding upon this plane(t),WF is a science of not just one, but rather 5 Yogas (pathway of union):Strength, Cardio, Hatha Yoga, Nutrition, and Meditation. In this Path of Yoga, we do not consider a Bench Press or a 5-mile interval run as ANY LESS SACRED than say, an Upward Facing Dog […]