Detering cookin padma

Student Detering engaging several WF Practices:  Earned Sustenance, Non-Dominant Hand Technique, Smiling Guru,  Challenge Discomfort, et. al.  Oh like, you think we can’t ALL be inspired by WF Students like Susan?  Sangha?   We NEED your bravery to SHARE what you have found within WF!  photo and chi, courtesy of Student Detering.  Search the Archives for […]

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photo of ilg, the day after a 10-mile, high altitude mountain run; getting male (gym) after being so female (running). Hi there, my name is christian, from Germany. A friend of mine showed me the “whole body transformation” program, and i want to start to do it soon. I am into strength training and cardio […]

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Beginning In-sights from New Online Student…

i’m taking my girls camping (and myself running) up here in these San Juan high peaks tomorrow. it’s already getting close to freezing overnight up here…up here in the birthplace of WF so high, so beautiful, so pranic…so far above the rest.i need my 3 year-old daughter to immerse her precious cells within that rarefied […]

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madness or spiritual opportunity?

My Precious Online Shishya PY has just returned from the h(om)eland. Below is an actual excerpt from our Online Training exchanges tonight. The photo above was taken by ilg during one of our shared workouts on the Sacred Peak of Doko Oosliid when i lived in Kinlani (Flagstaff, AZ). i have trained those those who […]

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Yogini Cupcake…this one is for Thee

click pic to reAwaken your own Inner Chi-ild…please do not republish without asking. Abba and Dewa; Swing Time, photo by Ananda yesterday, WF Temple H(om)e backyard.i’ve never been so quick to cut up one of my rock climbing ropes than i was yesterday to create this tire-swing which EVERY chi-ld should have! sitting on our […]

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