I Love God… it’s His fans I can’t stand
a Ram-drunk ilg, yesterday, at Durango’s local climbing crag; X-Rock area photo by Ananda on Saturday, the Gods smiled.They allowed me to win the KOM at the top of Hesperus in the “B” Group club ride,and 48.5 miles and 2,460′ later, finish 6th in the 45 mph+ descent down Wildcat Canyon back to Durango. ilg […]
today,after bowing to two Bald Eaglesholding firm on the naked ancient cottonwood branchesover the whirling Mother River Animasand afterhaving a Swainson’s Hawk drilled his beauty into meafter i chanted him the Sacred Mantra as he sat royally high overheadatop a playing field light at the fairgrounds, an Osprey circled with dazzling spiralsseemingly unmoved by the […]
Mr. Ilg, I have trained with ‘The Outdoor Athlete’ for 22 years. 45 now and still going strong! I’m thrilled to find you on FaceBook and hope you will add me as a friend. – Kincaid Wood
“New Drew”…my zen calligraphy image of HP Yoga® is thrown in Amitabha Buddha red light against the wall of our WF Temple H(om)e Zendo in Durango, Colorado. The Prayer Flags seen in the upper right hand corner are from my treasured Kinlani Sangha. “Mantrais so thatwe rememberto dowhatever it is that we are ‘doing’for Go(o)d. […]
WF; Because Warriorship is our Birthright! ilg likes it! what do YOU TAF? let me know in the SanghaLounge… that might just be my next WF T-shirt/bumper sticker! *** Hey Coach! I can’t get over how cool it is to email with you. Thanks for sending out the HP Yoga Basic Strength DVD today– REALLY […]
HP YOGA® baby!!! Living Metta Through Sweat-a! since 1983 “The Meet-and-Greet with Steve Ilg was very interesting! The guy is amazing, can’t wait to get the practice started! So knowledgeable and passionate!” – Chris, Durango *** Most Precious Warriors Toward Wholeness… it is my great honor to begin yet another Yoga Program at a world-class […]
the Dharma of a Maha Yogi known as Jesus Christ, who was, without a doubt, the world’s most extreme athlete and most beautiful example of a Peaceful Warrior. i mean, with all due respect, i don’t TAF that even the current crop of our best Extreme Athletes these days; pro bull riders, those ‘wrestlers’ and […]