"Real breakthroughs" for WF Online Student GW

An image that i shall certainly take into my Bardo Moment; my Beloved long, open highways of the American Southwest. when i begin work with a new student of this Steep and Direct Path of personal transformation through Wholistic Fitness, i see my work with you as such an open, expansive, adventurous Path. just as […]

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go directly to COAT CHECK section for a Special Announcement and offer ONLY FOR DL SUBSCRIBERS! oh, and check out all the GREAT exchanges going on each day in the SanghaLounge from our WorldWide Tribe of WF Warriors!!! VERY FUN!!! it is an HONOR to chill out with my students, fans, and friends in that […]

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ABS OF FIRE workout now available on PAY PER PDF!

WHOLISTIC FITNESS® SPECIALTY WORKOUTS: ABS ON FIRE WORKOUT FOR ULTRA POTENT CORE POWER one of my most often asked question throughout the past 25 years has remained; “Hey ilg, how do you keep your abs so ripped?” So, are YOU in the Warrior Mode to finally draw the line in this lifetime and attain a […]

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Coach’s 1992 OUTSIDE Cover Nominated For Worst Cover

Coach/Joy – the “herbal father warrior” referred to in your summer SUNRIDER HERBAL MISSIVE is me. It’s a true honor to feel that I have offered some small contribution to the dialogue within the WF community. Thank you both for offering your experience and wisdom. I’ll let you know how my son responds to SUNRIDER! […]

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Most Noble HP Yogin Patki Dass has reached a level of Nadic Purification* that now allows him to sense and assimilate Nutrition in ways that transcend the normal human being. Such a Stage is reached through hours of devoted Practice and Trust in the Path, one’s Teachers, and Svadhyaya. Patki’s capacities to draw regenerative Nutrition […]

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Coach on: Dharma Teaching in America. Pick Your Teachers Wisely

“Let us help each otherto:sweat each day…sit still each day…andmove with humble confidence in the direction of our Teachers.” – coach ilg ***“To my mind and experience,there are yoga teachers,and then,there are the Teachers of yogis. There are personal trainers,and then,there are the trainers of People. Therefore Oh Noble Warrior,to seek your Highest Balance;choose wisely […]

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“My first contact with Coach was in Aug/Sept 2005. I was working in the book distribution line and was walking about the warehouse one day. To cut the story short, TBT found its way to me. This book was in a poor shape, meant for pulping. Instead, I tore off the covers, “returned” item to […]

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With ultra Tribal Warrior thanks to both filmmaker Wayne Williams (Sherman Oaks, CA) and our treasured Temple Website manager, John ‘Hakado Ru’ Kuhlman (Las Vegas, NV) i am deeply pleased to share with the “Outer World” my Steve Ilg Presentation Video. Typical of my Ancient Traditional style of spontaneous Dharma teaching, the video is completely […]

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