molas stumps

Buddha was a human being, like you or me.

He never claimed divinity, he merely knew he had the buddha nature, the seed of enlightenment, and that everyone else did too. The buddha nature is simply the birthright of every sentient being, and I always say:

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the most spiritually crippling dis-ease is lack of faith in our own inner ability to heal and transcend our challenges. – coach ilg, 1988

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Someone asked the Dalai Lama what surprised him most. This was his answer: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that…

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The desperate situation of the planet is slowly waking people up to the necessity for transformation on a global scale.

Enlightenment is real, and there are enlightened masters still on the earth. When you actually meet one, you will be shaken and moved in the depths of your heart and you will realize that all the words, such as illumination and wisdom, that you thought were only ideas are in fact true.

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om home

All sickness, is h(om)esickness…

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Falls Creek Dharma Duathlon

one day, i’m writing another book; The Healing Energies of Singletrack…

whatever ails thee, a go(o)d dose of singletrack, taken consistently and without iPods, will heal.

i promise…from over 3 decades of direct experience. don’t complicate healing. just get out, breathe, and be.

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BBenzel – Homolovi Suvoyuki 12-Jul-08 #377 Steve Ilg 2_2

“External temples are nice yet, unneeded.
Complicated philosophies and religions attempt to organize Truth, when really, just our own sweat, our own stillness is our highest Truth.
Therefore, my church pew remains my daily sweat and my cathedral remains my daily stillness.”

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Grandfather Sun Is Bright…and the Powder Bitchin…

There is a saying where i come from, “There’s no waiting for friends on a powder day.” Come dance with me on the alpine hills where gravity is love and every turn is a leap of faith…if you seek the feeling of Freedom, yogi…ski…

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