{insert classic rap beat here} Okay, okay…whassup DL Brothers and Sistahs…. give me a beatso i can stamp my feet… ooooo yeahhhh…dare it is…. ooooo yeahhh… so my man Obama rocked the dharmayet i gotta put out da karma for the end o’ ski season marga* today i cranked on the teles**like the snow was […]
click on photos for enhanced chi hits…all photos by; www.myracepics.com The First Annual Agassiz Uphill, sponsored by Kahtoola and Arizona SnowBowl. original event idea by steve ilg. “Actions mirror a man’s personality better than his words. The yogi has learned the art of dedicating all his actions to the Lord,thereby reflecting the divinity within him.”– […]
“Racing is not about winning. It’s about ourselves. No athlete ever held a trophy that did not already exist inside.”– steve ilg, THE WINTER ATHLETE, 1999 “I used to visit Flagstaff when i was living and teaching HP Yoga in Los Angeles. During that decade of Big City Service, i would attempt to ski around […]
Before i take you along with me during Race Day and invite you to share some fantastic professional, poster quality images of me suffering on the race course (be sure to click to enlarge the photos), out of respect, let’s take a m(om)ent to honor what is far more important… Tsoodzil, the Blue Bead Mountain…the […]
click to enlarge “Just as surely as there is mental power in the body, likewise there is this cosmic power which yogis know as “kundalini.” In athletes living only in the sweat plane, and in yogis living only in the studio plane, it remains covered by tamoguna…the layered thickness of addictive, lazy patterns accumulated over […]
“What goes up, must come down.”– common “It is best not to be overly excited or too depressed about the ups and downs of life.”– The Dalai Lama upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize “The yogi, trained in equanimity, attempts to reside in the space between the Highs and Lows of life circumstances and keeps […]
“Resort to your Highest Weakness and enter there; dive into your deepest Pain for therein lies the purest of your Truth; Awaken to the understanding that each relationship we experience on this Plane(t) is perishable. Every belief structure; illusion. Every thought; changing. Every limit is a creation of mind. Know this to find your most […]
A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires […]