Brother Bachar Begins The Toughest Free Solo Of His Life; His Death

well, the emails from my rock climbing brother and sisterhood are streaming in…i understand my my old friend from my era of American rock climbing has hit the deck during a free solo near Bishop, CA and is now free soloing – as we all must – his Bardo Entry and Navigation….on behalf of myself […]

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A Parent Must Forgive…So Too Does A Dharma Teacher

often, steering the helm of America’s Original Transpersonal Fitness Service is sad and hurtful, even though constantly deeply sacred. Sometimes, steering of the humble Helm is best done by turning my training upside down so i can see from the inside out what it’s like not to have a lifelong Path of Soul firing your […]

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Most Precious Sangha of Wholeness, i wrote publicly back when i was an editor/columnist for ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPORTS & FITNESS MAGAZINE that,“One day, it will be the Fitness Warriors that will transform our own Sweat into Energy that in turn, will feed the Energy Grid.” and now, about 22 years later this:EcoGeek Shock Absorber there […]

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In Case You’re Wondering About The Stock I Came From…

Tad Elliot (photo by Salomon), son of my own childhood coach; 3-time Nordic Olympian Mike Elliot of Durango. I recall holding Tad in my arms when he was a baby. Today? In my book? Tad is without a doubt, the absolute coolest Under-23 Stud currently residing on this Plane(t). I can say this because I, […]

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Teachings from the Get Here Now Snow Guru

as a yogi, feeble ilg realizes “i’m” to remain as much as possible in the Eternal Now. however, because ilg is such an astonishingly feeble yogi, “i’ve” been very much taken out of the Present M(om)ent because of a Deep Love for winter weather. i nearly pack’d up my Clan to drive over to Telluride […]

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Nordic Reflections; This Weekend Sees The Start Of The REAL WORLD CUP!

yesterday evening,roller skiing beneath an alpenglow splashed across thethe Sacred Peak…a sudden and timeless peace comes to my Soul when Oneness seems to mix sky withmy sweat…a release of hormones floods my aging,blessed body and mind; i grow young again and again and endlessly again. more seductive than any x-rated anythingis this sweat and sky […]

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WF History; bouldering

Published on Nov 18, 2008 by in WF Chi Hit, WF History

WF History; bouldering

WF Chi Hit from the past…steve ilg on the never-repeated “Balloon Saloon Traverse,”Pagosa Springs, Colorado. circa 1990. i called it the Balloon Saloon because the route was this excruciatingly long traverse along a historic wall of an old saloon in downtown Pagosa Springs, and you had to be as light as a balloon to make […]

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another ‘ilg sighting’ + Student Input; "HP Yoga has helped me get inside myself to a place of clarity," – Musician Dave Tate

“He possesses the special kind of talent you only see come along once a decennium. If you’re lucky.” – Eric van Domburg Scipio of Heaven Magazine Our Tribal Musician Dave Tate, who has been rockin’ the music world with his exquisite, angelic vocals and songwriting borne from his Southern Utah h(om)e, has released The Final […]

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