A Mid-May Snowstorm Invites Practice of Vairagya

Falling snow does this to me…it opens my HeartSpace of Avalokiteshvara… May this inspire your Practice ever Higher and Deeper today… * i have, through this incarnation been introduced to an eon-old and ever growing personal pantheon of Formfull and Formless Teachers…and that’s a Great Blessing if you are as feeble of a yogi as […]

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On Listening To Our Life Vinyasa

Published on May 05, 2008 by in WF Philosophy

On Listening To Our Life Vinyasa

“Just Listen.” – The WF Bible by coach ilg – note the complete absence of Ignorance Pods (aka; iPods). Who can concentrate on one’s Mantra, on one’s Highest Self Within when addicted to external enterTainment instead of innerAttainment? We should know at this point in our Practice, i mean, if you are still traveling with […]

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WF; The Science of 5 Yogas and 4 Yamas…strikes again!

Unlike any other Path abiding upon this plane(t),WF is a science of not just one, but rather 5 Yogas (pathway of union):Strength, Cardio, Hatha Yoga, Nutrition, and Meditation. In this Path of Yoga, we do not consider a Bench Press or a 5-mile interval run as ANY LESS SACRED than say, an Upward Facing Dog […]

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Shishya Tina B on the WF Notion of ‘Clinical Elevation’

the priceless value of “Sangha”; the community of like-minded warriors – is perhaps one of the most important shining jewels of a Fitness Lifestyle. it’s impossible to stay depressed when you create an environment of friends who understand the necessity of a sweat-based approach to personal growth. clowning around before high-end suffering in a bicycle […]

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Beauty and the Dharma?

Published on Oct 08, 2007 by in DharmaTalk, WF Philosophy, Yoga

Beauty and the Dharma?

“When fame really hit me was when Legends of the Fall was released three years after Thelma & Louise. You get no warning about what celebrity is or how to deal with it. It’s sort of multitiered. The initial stage is feeling discombobulated and not up to the task. I didn’t understand the incessant attention […]

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Clinical Depression vs. Clinical Elevation

Our medical industry has created a bijillion dollar per year highly lucrative money-making scheme around the unquestioned and quite fashionable disease of clinical depression (or at least ADD or ADHD OR HDTV or, well whatever, get begets get. garbage in? garbage out!). On the other hand, not does one dollar ever go toward clinical elevation. […]

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The Wisdom of the Flyin’ Snot

“Many athletes trains train their entire lives in their own sweat and their addiction to it only bogs them deep into an imbalanced hole in the ground of their being. in WF, we race to keep ourselves spiritually whole.”– coach ilg Three weeks ago, i visited my h(om)etown of Durango, Colorado to test drive my […]

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"The goal of WF is to experience and behold the self…"

Dear Mr. Triscooter,The goal of WF is to experience and behold the self. Every workout is an opportunity for me to experience the moment and through that to live nobly. I’ve observed that becoming fit and gaining control of my body is a basic need and a step towards the final goal of enlightenment. Attaining […]

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