“Coach,just met one of your students Steve and did a chirunning session with him. i ordered my mealtime guidebook too. thnks for having all these PDF Teachings while you are training so hard and gracefully. salim los angeles“ *** and now…for your Sure Sign of Spritual Progress Along The WF Journey… a gnarly, nearly irresistible […]

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Snow Days are Breathe Days

Published on Oct 30, 2009 by in WF Principles

Snow Days are Breathe Days

When you meditate, breathe naturally, just as you always do. Focus your awareness lightly on the outbreath. When you breathe out, just flow out with the outbreath. Each time you breathe out, you are letting go and releasing all your grasping. Imagine your breath dissolving into the all-pervading expanse of truth. Each time you breathe […]

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WF Teachings: No Such Thing As A "Bad" or "Good" Habit

“If we don’t keep fit, our energy and vibrational levels are low and slow. It’s very difficult to develop the capacity to Recognize, Avoid, and Transcend our Habits if we are weak.” – coach ilg and Dewachen camping near Sedona to help break the Habit of Home-Dwelling. photo by Ananda. *** In the artful, zestful […]

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Race Report: Day Three – IRON HORSE

click on photos to deepen the Chi Hit… “Doubt is a weakness in wholistic understanding and a lack of spiritual education. However, Doubt is required for the maturation of faith and self reliance. It is when we face doubts and difficulties that we determine whether our faith is an intellectual and conceptual one, or whether […]

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Animated Sutra Study; Everybody Should Practice The 4 WF Lifestyle Principles

Abbaji and Dewachen practicing Vrkasana or Tree Pose, thanks to a most beautiful Arizona Sycamore near Clear Creek last week. photo by Ananda. click to enlarge the chi hit. The energy of the body is intelligence.The energy of the mind is consciousness. Everybody wants Happiness; for themselves, for our chi-ldren, for our Animal friends, for […]

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Scenes From A Storm + A DL QUIZ!

click on pics to enlarge… Think you’re good at tracking?Be the first to identify this snow-track and win 3 FREE MONTHS OF DL! size of track; approx. 4 inches across. No longer a need to dream of a White Christmas! It’s here!…on Tuesday, the snow began to fall, giving me great cause to jump for […]

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Transforming Doubt

Published on Dec 13, 2008 by in Cardio, Racing, WF Principles

Transforming Doubt

“…until we reach enlightenment there will inevitably be doubts, because doubt is a fundamental activity of the unenlightened mind, and the only way to deal with doubts is neither to suppress nor indulge them.”– Soygal Rinpoche Doubt shares her gnarled roots within Fear. In fact, Doubt and Fear are symbiotic sisters; indulge in one, and […]

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5% Efficient? Why settle for that?

Cardio commuting to town via the Lower Oldham Trail. bicycles are 80% energy efficient; only 20% of any caloric energy used in bicycling goes to move the bike. everything else is used to MOVE! on race bikes, the stats are even better! photo by Ananda. *** Live like a tree, not like fire. *** as […]

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