NYC is in da TEMPLE again!   WF Master Student L’Gate visits me for 2 days…

come experience what a Day One of a WF Private Intensive with me right here in Durango is like as i and Ananda enjoy our time with WF Master Student Allan Ludgate today….Meditation, Yoga, Cardio, ST, and Nutrition personally supervised by the creator and founder of Wholistic Fitness™

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as he’s done from the Beginning, Coach takes aim at the conventional fitness world’s latest notions of Warming Up and provides his Tribe with the cOMmon sense of proven wholeness. Here is Part One of his Wholistic Fitness™ Warm Up Protocol for endurance athletes which optimizes pranic, mental, and physical environments. Endurance athletes following his Warm Up Protocol will find greater power production via neuromuscular function and decrease the rate of lactate concentration while increasing the rate of lactate removal. photo of coach in northern Arizona by Ananda.

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through the books, she has looked…(she has a Ph.D in Statistical Analysis or something like that)

to the Himalaya, she has sought.

within the fabric of her life, many Dragons she has fought.

she does not condemn, she does not judge.

she became my student of yoga in August of 2008 in Kinlani.

she got on MAP Aminos in March, of 2009.

one year later, she became my online shishya.

in October of ‘010, she took WF Pilgrimage to seek me out in Durango (see photo above).

Yesterday she wrote me: “did spin followed by a 2 mile treadmill run, then a set of nordic crunches/suspended leg lifts, followed by Medium form. then i went over to the pull up bar and did one PULL UP, palms out, from a dead hang. for real!”

i never allowed her near a Gravitron. i Instructed her to meet her Pull Up Dragon nakedly….with no gloves on…

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robert crespo

Coach Ilg,

Blown away, that’s all I can say.

Last night while out training with my probie SAR (Search And Rescue) class, we got a call for a rescue of stranded hikers in Eaton Canyon (Altadena/Pasadena).

We responded, I humped my callout pack (35 lbs) and a 350′ rope (30+ lbs) up the canyon to the base of the Razorback trail..

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kitchen shiva

Most Noble Sangha,

make no mistake; along the Spiritual Path – among Western Awakened Fitness Warriors – the Mindful Practice of Hand Washing Dishes should be leaped toward by any sincere WF Student, not shied away from.

undone dishes is a metaphor for our undigested thoughts.

if left undigested, Thoughts naturally morph into Samskaric ripples, each one eventually needing…

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today, ilg washed my kettle for Buddha using several WF Techniques. if you’ve washed a dish recently while remaining unconscious of the absolutely exquisite opportunities for elevating your Enlightenment potential during the washing of the dish? then, well, hate to tell you…you’ve managed to Separate once again, your notion of personal fitness from your everyday life…quit wasting precious m(om)ents; study WF as if your spiritual life depended on it…cuz it does.

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Detering cookin padma

Student Detering engaging several WF Practices:  Earned Sustenance, Non-Dominant Hand Technique, Smiling Guru,  Challenge Discomfort, et. al.  Oh like, you think we can’t ALL be inspired by WF Students like Susan?  Sangha?   We NEED your bravery to SHARE what you have found within WF!  photo and chi, courtesy of Student Detering.  Search the Archives for […]

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Yogi Squat Of The Week…and the Metaphysics of It…do you know what "Laziness" is?

HP Yogi Squat of the Weekgoes to Venerable HP Yoga® student and fellow Durangatang, Brad Tafoya. Shown above during a recent backpack trip into the Weminuche, Yogi BT is not only in an active yogi squat, he is also sawing with his Non-Dominant hand in a wonderful display of two of my basic WF Lifestyle […]

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