Holy High Altitude Training!

rode the passes today for the first time “this spring”…

i put “this spring” in apostrophe’s because there is still 4 1/2 feet of snow lining the road to Silverton, the Finish Line for Memorial’s Day 40th running of the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic

today’s workout: 29.2 miles

over Coal Bank Pass (10,640′, average gradient 6.5%) then tag the summit of Molas Pass (10,910′, average gradient 4.9%), turn around and re-climb Coal Bank…start and finishing from Durango Mountain Resort (8,793′).


conditions: solo with wind…sunny, temp; 49 degrees

43 minutes to the summit of Coal Bank

1:14 to the summit of Molas providing an average speed of 11.8 mph to Molas

2 hours and 8 seconds total ride time back to DMR

total average speed: 14.5 mph

max speed: 45.3 mph

total vertical feet of climbing: 2,171′

here are some pics i took for you…may it help inspire your workout tomorrow and i hope i see you on the Start Line of the Iron Horse Bicycle Race next Memorial Day if not this one…the Iron Horse is one of the Three Sacred Sweat Sport Pilgrimages of WF…

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Osama exhaled his last exhale as you and i shall too, one day…ilg needs to re-teach some fundamental Bardo Entry so that you can cut through all the non-Practictioner media;

The whole of the Bardo of Becoming has an average duration of 49 (sound familiar Christ-yogi’s?) days and a minimum length of one week. But it varies, just as now some people live to be 100 and and others die in infancy. some can even get stuck in the bardo, to become spirits or ghosts. Dudjom Rinpoche used to explain that during the first 21 days of the Bardo, you will have strong impressions of your previous life, and this is therefore the most important period for the living to be able to help a dead person. After that, your future life slowly takes shape and becomes the dominant influence…

We have to wait in the Bardo until we can make a karmic connection with our future parents. I sometimes think of the Bardo as something as a transit lounge, in which you can wait up to 49 days before transferring to the next life. But there are two special cases who don’t have to wait in the intermediate state, because the intensity of the power of the karma sweeps them immediately on to their next rebirth. The first are those who have lived extremely beneficial and positive lives, and so trained their minds in spiritual practice that the force of their realization carries them directly into a good rebirth. The second case are those whose lives have been negative and harmful; they travel swiftly dow to their next rebirth, wherever that might be…

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BBenzel – Homolovi Suvoyuki 12-Jul-08 #377 Steve Ilg 2_2

“External temples are nice yet, unneeded.
Complicated philosophies and religions attempt to organize Truth, when really, just our own sweat, our own stillness is our highest Truth.
Therefore, my church pew remains my daily sweat and my cathedral remains my daily stillness.”

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Ilg Meditates

Our fourth 2011 Kiva Talk for WF Members was a Go(o)d one. We dove deep as we explored the fourth Noble Fitness Discipline of Wholistic Fitness: Meditation!

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PaceLine Protocol…

Published on Apr 30, 2011 by in Cardio, Cycling, Teachings

PaceLine Protocol…

The essence of group road cycling is riding “paceline.” For decades i’ve loved what happens when i am in a Club Ride or in a race and the chosen or evolved Leader of the group (sometimes even myself!) puts his hand up in the air in swirly-q motion which means to all the riders, “Okay guys, let’s paceline!” Pacelining allows cyclists to travel at least 30% faster with less effort while providing a scintillating social experience for new riders and the seasoned cyclists equivalent to ‘aerobic therapy.’ Also, pacelining is a foundation of racing. Like everything in life that is genuinely worthwhile, pacelines do have some inherent danger.

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Reminder: Member Kiva Talk Tonight on “Meditation!”

In tonight’s Member-Only Kiva Talk we’ll explore the 4th Noble Fitness Discipline of WF: Meditation!

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wf logo old

Dear Steve:

I recently came across your website/work. I am very interested in becoming a fitness and movement instructor/mentor but am not quite sure how to begin.
I would like for my work and training to be based in the principles of wellness and awareness, a connection with body, spirit and world…

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asea convention

Ultra Early Bird Reservations to attend the Asea National Conference ends tonight for only $69…

plus, get rooms at the COSMOPOLITAN for as little as $139…bring the Clan and let’s meet in Vegas to learn and enjoy more about the most recent and perhaps most powerful arrow of all in the WF Nutritional Quiver; ASEA – “The Sacred Water of Wholistic Fitness™”

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