"There is no will…"

Published on Jun 15, 2010 by in Chi Hits, WF News

"There is no will…"

“There is no will.There is only God’s Favor.” – an unknown Christ-intoxicated fisherman who auspiciously appeared to me at the remote Rio Chama Trailhead yesterday… click pic to enlargedo not republish without asking sunrise; Heron Lake, New Mexico as seen from the 20′ pontoon…no wonder why Yogi Jesus was a fisherman…oh, and His Grace saw […]

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Wholistic Fitness = Wholistic Fun – delivers at least 3x as much focused fun!

click on my phone pics below for enlarged Chi Hits…enjoy and may your next Sweat be empowering… another go(o)d thing of Self Healing from spinal paralysis: an injured and way hematoma’d right hip ain’t gonna slow down this mountain yogi too long; top of Coal Bank Pass (10,640′)…the first of three within a 2-hour, 50k […]

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Overall Chi Shot of the Week goes to…Diné

look closely at WF Warrior Leaf’s feet…you’ll see that Vishnu has illuminated the fact that he is wearing the Vibram Five-Fingers which i helped design many moons ago…long before barefoot running become yet another buzz word! click pic to enlarge. Warrior Leaf (aka; Diné) sent this to me today: Coach,here’s the best photo they had […]

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Postcards From Durango…elements

Published on May 19, 2010 by in Chi Hits

Postcards From Durango…elements

click to enlarge the Chi Hit… Somewhere under the rainbow…there is a humble, powerful Temple devoted toward Wholeness… i just took this a m(om)ent ago from our front yard…i should make a jigsaw puzzle outta this one, eh?

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Exercise Profile: Touching Far Away Things With Our Minds

click pic to enlarge the Teaching Your WF Assignment Today: “Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than making them feel good about us.” – John Maxwell Dewachen Ilg demonstrating the precise Teaching and Transmission of the Ai Imawa Posture;Touching Far Away Things With Our Minds photo by abba ilg, sunday, 5*16*10 […]

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Yogini Cupcake…this one is for Thee

click pic to reAwaken your own Inner Chi-ild…please do not republish without asking. Abba and Dewa; Swing Time, photo by Ananda yesterday, WF Temple H(om)e backyard.i’ve never been so quick to cut up one of my rock climbing ropes than i was yesterday to create this tire-swing which EVERY chi-ld should have! sitting on our […]

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Postcards from Durango; Telegraph Hill

click to enlarge the Chi Hit…taken from my cheap ass camera phone today… A fork in the road (5)The steep, direct Path beckons (7)Upward and inward (5) WF Master Student L’gateNYC *** what other ever-fresh Student Dharma resides in the amazing WF SanghaLounge?you won’t know how much inspiration and knowledge you are missinguntil you keep […]

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Sweet Sayanora to a Spectacular Snow Season…tears from a skier (still) inspired…

parking lot; Durango Mountain Resort…all-ways known to me as ‘Purg’ or Purgatory…my chi-ldhood temple of skiing. taken today after bringing to a close my 53 days of skiing this year which included an unprecedented 7 podiums in 7 starts. ilg rather doubts i’ll ever be able to duplicate my 2010 winter season. as a New […]

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