Fierce Severing of Entertainment = InnerAttainment

“on mornings when i need to be Mr. Mom,that is,on days when my Sadhana (spiritual practice)is the Conscious CareTaking of my daughter, Dewa – a very difficult and high practice which irefer to as, Dewa Sadhana in order to reMind me that Conscious Parenting IS the Highest of Spiritual Work – my Early Morning Ritual […]

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FIND YOUR OWN MEANING DL creating more ripples…

click to enlarge the cute factor (not me, silly, Dewa!) photo of Dewa and i this past Sunday after finishing my first winter event of 2009; the Snow-Or-No Snowshoe Race. Race Report upcoming for DL Subscribers. photo courtesy of Neil Weintraub, director of Northern Arizona Trail Runners Association *** from the WF SanghaLounge, FIND YOUR […]

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"How did you choose to Take Leave of Thy Yogi Christ Tree?"

One of the many new sights my 46 year-young eyes are thus unaccustomed; my Precious Daughter’s snow boots drying by (one of) our fireplaces. *** there is never a need,and seldom should there be an urge to feel,that what i have attempted to impart to you about WFhold any religious connotation on your Sadhana.inDeed,religion and […]

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Published on Jan 08, 2009 by in Fatherhood Dharma


If you look to your childrento provide meaning for your life,your life will be meaningless.If you need them to be successfulto feel successful yourself,you will always fail. Your children were not bornto complete your life.They were born to complete their own.When you look inside and discoverthat you have everything you need,you will find your freedom. […]

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Shanta through DL; WF Student Hak Gets A Holiday Hit

“He who upon hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling pleasant or unpleasant {things} neither delights in nor regrets them, is said to be tranquil (Shanta).”-Lagha-Yoga-Vasishtha 2.1.64 (see Coach’s interpretation below) photo of steve, Joy, and 15 month-old Dewachen taken yesterday by world class photographer James “Q” Martin photographing steve for a Patagonia catalog. please visit […]

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In Heaven Above and Heaven Within…10 Lights Along Our Way Together…

“Steve is… keeping my lateral hip flexors supple by lifting them over the baby-fence at the bottom and top of our stairs all day long.” – FaceBook.com, comment by Steve Ilg, about 15 minutes ago * you know,i am REALLY glad and all to see so many of my former Students, Fans, and (some Challenging) […]

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5% Efficient? Why settle for that?

Cardio commuting to town via the Lower Oldham Trail. bicycles are 80% energy efficient; only 20% of any caloric energy used in bicycling goes to move the bike. everything else is used to MOVE! on race bikes, the stats are even better! photo by Ananda. *** Live like a tree, not like fire. *** as […]

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Our "Doing" Nature, plus…Such A Precious Knock Upon My Humble Temple Door!

click on the photos for another round of DL Chi Hits… The Sacred Peak wearing her summer colors. photo by ilg, yesterday. Dear Steve;I have been a low-level practitioner of your teaching; I have yourbooks and DVDs, and I am trying, but that’s all I can say. I have onepassion in my life, and I […]

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