note: ilg has received no product or monetary compensation from ZOOT® for this entry: GET COMPRESSED TO ATTAIN YOUR NEXT ENDURANCE PR… …i did! click to enlarge and you’ll see i’m wearing compression garments from heel to shoulder from Zoot®; socks, knickers, and arm warmers. my product review of these high-tech garments below. photo at […]
“When man interferes with the Tao, the sky becomes filthy, the earth becomes depleted, the equilibrium crumbles, creatures become extinct.” — Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching congrats on the IPR sweat! a 17-mile/sweat-lodge ceremony is an awesome experience, just wish i was there to attend. nevertheless, a pilgrimage to the sacred arches of Moab was […]
click pics to deepen the chi hits… “Toeing The Start Line,” has long been a catch phrase of mine. Here is why. Doing what is required to simply Toe The Start Line of a race (or of a performance) is tantamount to cultivating the Warrior qualities which the Ancient Enlightened Ones advised as key for […]
El Coache,My heart has felt so cold of late. So unfeeling. And the only seeming flicker of Light shown itself as I read about yet another student who’s life has been changed by your commitment. ~exhaling~ Run well tomorrow at Imogene, my ole teacher,run with my love and respect in your heart.Run for us all […]
note: this is first in a series of chi hits centering upon my performance at the grand-daddy of North American Mountain Running Races and one of WF’s Most Sacred Pilgrimages: the Imogene Pass Run where ilg was once a top-20 Overall finisher who now just tries to summit near the same time that i once […]
OFF TO IMOGENE!!! WHAT A BLESSING TO STILL BE RACING THIS INCREDIBLE SOUTHWEST MOUNTAIN SPIRITUAL PILGRIMAGE! THANKS FOR ALL YOUR WELL WISHES… Note to: WF Online Students; i’ll be updating your programs/facilitations on Monday! Saying ‘bye bye’ to any recent gains in opening my hips, cuz tomorrow at this time? after hammering the 17 stratospherically […]
Dear Steve,I’m a very beginning yogin, Cancer survivor, living with HIV(27 yrs) . Out of shape. But i’m telling you. I picked up your book a few years ago. And when i was at my lowest of my lows. Your book really intimadated me. But inspired me so much to LIVE. And to work at […]
HP Yogi JVS; he’s on the MAP Aminos, he’s been flawless in consistently taking my HP Yoga classes at The Hub…he’s lost bucketloads of weight, and this Saturday, he toes the Start Line of one of America’s most intensely sacred mountain yogic pilgrimages available to any yogi worthy of the name; the Imogene Pass Run. […]