NOTE: Blogger is not allowing me to post pics right now, and i gotta take off for my annual Hopi Pilgrimage…be back in a couple of days. Thanks to all who came out to the Flagstaff Yoga Festival this weekend for our classes! Enjoy this final Race Report and may all your Sweat be Sacred…– […]
“Attack thy weaknesses,Destroyavidya,Pursue the Great Spiritof Wholeness.”– coach ilg Such is the sweat-based sutra of the WF Yogi, for we would rather finish in last place doing a sport in which we suck than to go on winning, winning, winning in something that the Go(o)d Lord gifted to us naturally. To excel in a sport […]
due to popular request and because for some reason most of you have no idea of the wealth and intimacy and greatness of our WF SanghaLounge where this type and much more personal lives of WF Warriors is being exchanged each day… here is a Dewa Sadhana, clipped from today’s WF SanghaLounge. and, thank you […]
Metaphysical Teachings From Pagosa Duathlon – Race Report #1 “To excel in a sport is not mastery of self-cultivation.”– steve ilg photo of coach racing at Pagosa Mountain Duathlon last month, shortly before a high-speed crash. coach went on to win by a 20-second margin. photo by Tom Steen The spiritual advantages of being an […]
“I cannot imagine NOT attending HP Yoga Classes with Steve! HP is woven into my daily practice and my everyday. A life-changing practice.”– Leslie Hutchinson WIN FREE PASSES!!! FREE WELLNESS MARKETPLACE!!! PASSES STILL AVAILABLECLICK HERE:Flagstaff Yoga Festival High Performance Yoga® at the FLAGSTAFF YOGA FESTIVALFriday, August 7th, 20098:30 pm to 10:00 pm The Energetics of […]
click to enlarge the chi hits…(the first one makes an especially potent screensaver…one of many from the DL Archives!) High in the Weminuche Wilderness of a land known as southwestern Colorado, lies an enchanted village ensconced within ancient healing waters, snow-dappled summits, towering ponderosa, and the purest of all waters rushing, glinting among sandstone canyons. […]
Dear Coach- Have spent hours now in Pranic Junkie. This has tied everything together for me. The honesty and insight is simply crushing. I am honored to be involved with WF. Tom order your signed copy today and draw your understanding of WF toward her deeeeeepst Relams and take your Practice along with it! a […]