BEST SEAT IN DA HOUSETaking a Squirrel incarnation could mean that we ‘hoarded’ and ‘gathered’ too many possessions in this or another lifetime. The compulsion to ‘attain and hoard from others,’ is one example of a kleshic tendency of which all Conscious Fitness Warriors, intend on Wholeness, must be watchful. i grabbed this shot yesterday […]
“On the withered tree,a flower blooms.”– DT Suzuki As we continue – at our own Level and Willingness – our Journey toward Wholeness, there is nothing that we won’t face. Among the dizzying depths of years of strength training, cardio training, yoga, meditation, mastery of food, and of course the constant in-our-face Lifestyle Principles which […]
oh Treasured Mighty Limbed Seeker of Union,abbaji knows he was supposed to Teach you Part II of the Kleshas this morning,and that was my plan for this morning’s Dharma sermon…until,of course,Way lead to Wayand the stars slithered awayrevealing a more important m(om)ent;ilg gives you a poemcourtesy of Brahmandisguised as one beautiful Dark-eyed Juncoclear against the […]
click on pics to enlarge the chi hit. do not republish. head bowed. spine straight. “…the young child was loved by all and immediately showed Signs of elevated spiritual demeanor. She offered Her food as prasad to all others (especially to Grandmother Moon) before feeding Herself…” Once upon a time, in a small chi-dom in […]
click to enlarge the pics and may this inspire your Practice today… DL Celebrity and World Class athlete; Lisa Goldsmith checks in with our humble Headquarters after her recent appearance at the Boston Marathon. Lisa, a multi-national trail and peak running champion, does not often take on ‘flat landers’… here is what our Fleet Footed […]
Coach-I kid you not, I have 178 stitches in my chest, my throat is sliced and I am doing what you taught me, one foot in front of the other. Clear the mind, breathe the air. Cant run but I can walk. Two miles today. Three tomorrow. The Ilg way. I will get my Dr […]
MahaYogi Buddha taught,“Living within a mortal body is like living in a house on fire.” when faced with their own Bardo M(om)ent…fitness warriors around the world – some of whom used to criticize and make fun of my Wholistic methods – suddenly contact me as the once-solid illusion of their bodies and minds begins to […]
“Even the desire to be beautifulbefore one’s Wisdom Beingis atrap which must be transcended.”– steve ilg(written in my Meditation Journal earlier this week) My Day Today: •) Early Morning Ritual and Sangha Light Meditations•) Svadhyaya•) family time in Zendo•) Eat Herbs, Sunbar, and MAP Aminos•) Blog as Service•) ride cross bike to town (10 miles […]