Everybody wants to be lean and world-class fit,but not everybody wants to follow 3 decades of experience to get there… It doesn’t happen in our Clan, cuz we are well-coached in the use of the SUNRIDER Herbs, however, i reckon other people not used to the potency of SUNRIDER Herbs, have been overdosing on the […]
Namaste Coach, whoa…2 days in a row, have practiced the 20 min. nap after the mid-day meal. it definitely is a sweet treat after arising between 4:30-5:30 for the past 3 mornings to practice Zazen. yesterday it was challenging to relax at first as i was mid-stream of my ‘work’ and i knew i was […]
Your entry yesterday on satellite litter was a great one and what a great thought on the National Day of Drinking too much (at least in Chicago)…I pick up litter on occasion but I will try the non-dominant hand this time!!!!!!!!!! I fit into a dress yesterday I had not worn in 10 years….so I […]
“Ever since I came to you,” a monk complained, “I haven’t been instructed at all in the study of Reality.” “Ever since you came to me,” replied the Master, “I have always been pointing out to you how to study Reality.” “In what way, sir?” “When you brought me tea, did I not accept it? […]
this picture gets my “Living and Dying In Kali Yuga” award for the week…the photo shows the tens of thousands of ‘satellite debris’ now in orbit around our Mother. over the next decade a large percentage of this debris will be rocketing toward our homes down here on our Earth Mother. Yogic scriptures predicted that […]
Namaste beloved coach:I started my HP journey in mid-august, 2008 with your HP PROP WORKOUT® …i was still searching for a teacher having only been in Flagstaff for 1 1/2 months. i used to “hate” ab work. your charisma and humor inspired me, and got me hooked…– Julie “the petticoat yogini” M Shavasana(Corpse Posture)… There […]
click on pic for a greater magnitude of chi hit The nature of everything is illusory and ephemeral,Those with dualistic perception regard suffering as happiness, Like they who lick the honey from a razor’s edge. How pitiful are they who cling strongly to concrete reality: Turn your attention within, my heart friends. NYOSHUL KHEN RINPOCHE […]