this DL came to me while riding home late last rainy night after teaching Yoga. i was pedaling fast to get through a sketched out construction area. nearly got through it when, for the umpteenth time in my life, along came a car addict who felt obliged to scorch through the narrowed 25 mph construction […]
Lisa Goldsmith (far left in photo) must have picked up on some residual WF Chi up in Canmore, Canada where i used to ice climb……cuz she cranked to a 2nd Place at the NACAC Championships held there recently…she writes to me below:Super Coach!Just home from Amazing Canmore Canada – WOW! Tres Jolie!!!! I grinded (ground?) […]
WF Yogini Karen, evidently demonstrating for us Sitali Pranayama! click here to visit the blog of this artist extraordinaire:WF Yogini Karen From Portland *** “Loved Coach’s ‘sleepy head’ entry, i read it right after waking up at 7AM on Sat. and had to laugh at the appropriateness of the message….Om so ti. Om Mani Padme […]
photo by Velonews Online Coach’s ODE TO Contador CHAMPION OF THE TOUR DE FRANCE To be sung to the tune of “Oh Tannenbaum”in honor of the United States, Team Discovery Cycling Team who covered two thirds of the podium in Paris on Sunday! (careful, this little ditty is addictive!) *** Oh Contador, Oh Contador…Oh how […]
photograph of coach and Ananda last week by Melissa Grimes; Melissa’s Photography Blog Noble Sangha, regardless of my 30+ years spent in Meditation and Inner Work, it remains a most difficult Sacred Duty being the Helmsbeing of WF. all such Inner Work done on myself has really only Highlighted the obvious fact that i have […]
Ananda as shot by Melissa Grimes last week. one picture is worth a 1,000 Dharma words when you’ve got a yogini like Ananda as your subject! today, riding back home after my Club Ride*, i saw Ananda coming home from the gym (hey, Flag is a small town!). She had put in 20 minutes on […]
Noble Ones, before the current era of Kali Yuga, before the Human Beings became so “busy” with chasing and grasping for outer, material wealth,“Tapas” – one of the 10 yogic guidelines known as the Yama and Niyama (see my book TBT) – used to mean performing austerities such as meditating on snow, or fasting, or […]
Coach Ilg, I have enjoyed your programs from the days when The Outdoor Athlete was first published (a book which has nearly disintegrated from use) to the Total Body Transformation. While I may not be a master warrior, I’ve used your programs to keep my COPD from progressing. My doctor is baffled by the fact […]