Hi Coach, I am planning on using your 3 phase approach. I plan on making a purchase Feb. 1st what do I need to purchase? Thank you, Jeff
Hi Coach, I am planning on using your 3 phase approach. I plan on making a purchase Feb. 1st what do I need to purchase? Thank you, Jeff
most people got it all backwards in their nutritional fitness..STUDENT A:
Someday I would like to look at a long term plan for moving towards a diet similar to Coach Ilg’s largely herb based nutrition.
i am 29 and the new father of a one year-old…and if i can be half as fit as you, Coach, at age 48, then please, for the sake of my chi-ld please help me attain some wholeness…i want to the be most supple, strong, young in body and heart father as i possibly can be!!!
that ‘someday’ can be OMday if you are willing to JUMP!
we’ve got a quiver of three primary nutritional arrows that transforms weaklings into suprahumans and it’s very easy, and in the end, extremely cost effective:
here is the Proven Path so build your quiver tonight and know that ilg will be with you EVERY step of the quiver packing way:
Evergreen is all about Chlorophyll. And Chlorophyll (CHO) is all about ‘eating Light’ or as yogis would say, ‘absorbing the Pran or Life Force”. In my 28 years of being a SUNRIDER Leader (and an ‘Evergreen™” devotee), i’ve found that young children are deeply attracted to Evergreen™, as well as those in chronic low-energy. Why? Because young chi-dren (like my 3-year old daughter) live so close to the Chi that they instantly recognize that they are eating ‘more chi’! Those in chronic pain cherish the ‘feel’ of Evergreen entering their body because they can really feel more Life Force entering her cells. Yogi’s fall in love with Evergreen instantly, because they, like small chi-ldren, live energetically cleaner lives; they can Sense pure, concentrated Prana (or Chi) in a millisecond. Taking Evergreen is sort of like doing a half-hour of devoted Yoga Breathing (Pranayama). It develops and amplifies the Pran within the body.
Both Calli Beverages – Regular and Night – are superb for athletes. Athletes cannot afford to do intensive fasts or cleanses that weaken neural sheaths/transmissions. Drinking Calli each day is an ideal method for an athlete to acheive cellular purity which of course, results in a a higher metabolic functioning which inevitably produces a stronger, more whole physiology. Recovery, Strength, and Power along with Mental Focus is precisely why the Shaolin Monks created this absolutely unique beverage which is exclusive to SUNRIDER Herbs™
i severely sprained both the medial and lateral connective tissues of my right knee.
that was two weeks ago.
since then; i’ve finished on the AG Podium in a 10k Classic nordic ski race, rode my road bicycle for 120 kilometers, nordic skied for 60 kilometers, and
alpine skied twice. not bad for a severely sprained knee at nearly age 50, eh? when i use the term Regenerative Whole Food Herbal Nutrition to describe SUNRIDER™ Herbs and that the MAP Amino Acids are ‘invaluable to anyone’…
i ain’t just pulling your leg!
here is what i used:
today, ilg washed my kettle for Buddha using several WF Techniques. if you’ve washed a dish recently while remaining unconscious of the absolutely exquisite opportunities for elevating your Enlightenment potential during the washing of the dish? then, well, hate to tell you…you’ve managed to Separate once again, your notion of personal fitness from your everyday life…quit wasting precious m(om)ents; study WF as if your spiritual life depended on it…cuz it does.
Photo: This Halloween, my two little witches (Ananda and Dewa) gave out SUNRIDER™ Herbs two fantastic products: SUNBARS and NUPUFFS…the absolute health and great taste of these treats probably went unnoticed by the kids, however, their cells sure did appreciate it! So will yours! Student: Dear Coach,I just put in our first SUNRIDER Herbs™ order […]