WF Teacher Joy’s latest edition of her Joyful Breath blog is absolutely brilliant dharma for your spiritual quiver today… don’t miss it! here is the link: The Joyful Breath Beautiful work, my Beloved!

“The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all.”– Pablo Casals i am getting ready for my last nordic event of the year; the nation’s HIGHEST nordic ski race on top of Telluride Ski Resort! THIS is gonna hurt. stay tapped into DL for more. now, check out this Teaching inspired by […]

By the time came to race my Highlight Event of the winter; the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, my Abhyasa (training consistency) plus the very same Nutritional Path of SUNRIDER Herbs + BioBuilde Amino Acids that i have Taught you, had done its job once again. My bodyweight was tickling 139lbs. a Flyweight with a Heavyweight […]
As i wait for some more photos from Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, i figured i would take a moment to share some training counsel with an Online Student of mine. Today’s topic also has a lot to do with that ever so elusive yet mandatory Warrior capacity of finding the Balance Between Patience and Pressure. […]
from my spiritual diary taken after Early Morning Practice this morning: ***The Day of Pilgrimage to Tsidool (Mt. Taylor). It occurs to my experience that if one is to truly life a full lifea life that is constantly spontaneous within the Dance of the Inner and the Outer Wildernessthen 2 preconditioned afflictions must take gradual […]

The following is NOT, i repeat NOT, science fiction or a is an advertisement i found this morning on the Internet for a skiing/snowboard helmet. i have italicized the words in their text that are in direct violation of the Dharma Protection Code of Once Natural Wisdom: “The RED Frequency Audex Motorola Bluetooth Helmet […]
try clicking on the pics for an enlarged WF CHI hit! The outdoor athlete should be content to train for and compete in and walk away from a race for what it is and not as a comment on our life. Yet, we do. We cannot help feeling that the scissoring effect from our twofold […]
Namaste Oh Mighty Limbed Warriors! above photo by Ananda: Yet another testimony to the unmatched chi force that living the WF Path imparts: The very morning after racing to a top place (more on that later) in my 30-kilometer Langlauf Ski Race, i was up and ready for another full day of San Juan Sweat, […]