HP Yogi Rob Trudeaux took all warrior scalps in the 2012 Men’s 10k Open, going back and forth with marathoner Pete Mech until Last Gasp Hill! Yogi RT covered the course in new record time: 56:59. he graciously answered 3 questions before his defense of his Title less than 48 hours before the Start Gun goes…here is what he said:
“It was a genuine please having Steve Ilg in my {spin} class today. I became aware of Steve in 1988, when our Outdoor Adventures staff used his book, The Outdoor Athlete, for sport specific training. It was even more exciting to have such an endorsement of my spin class instruction. Many thanks Steve! I look forward to Saturday.” – Scot Davis,
Sage Film & Video
wisdom in motion
“Do not walk before me, for i may not follow. Do not walk behind me, for i may not lead. Just walk beside me, and be my Friend.” Native American saying…original author unknown pic by ilg; Dewa and Aaaaahmaji doing what we do in Durango during winter…it’s the wind through the hair, it’s the sound […]
as soon as i offer these locally, they’ll be gone…so i’m offering YOU,
my WF.com Members the hole shot!
“…we get out…we get out with our kids, our Loved Ones, our selves, most of all…and we Breathe..and we Listen..and we Merge…into the SnowDance…”
think bicycle racing is tough? phfff. think nordic ski racing is tough? guess again. running? uh…..kindygarten. ashtanga/power/hot yoga? c’mon; and you best bring your Mula Bandha! Cycle Crosser’s? uh what, y’all run for like uh, 30 seconds max? you don’t know deep, sacred, delicious pain, until you’ve raced on Sport Snowshoes… c’mon…bring your off season […]