anybody else need convincing that a steady diet of HP Yoga® will help ANY Warrior in ANY sport?…enjoy this personal-record setting account from one of my most stalwart HP Yogi’s here in Durango:
Noble Sangha, today, we reVisit one of my most dastardly clever and deeply helpful Nutritional/Wellness Techniques; my “3×30 Assignment”. If this Assignment is NOT a part of your WF Practice, it needs to be…first, let’s rehearse what the “3×30 Assignment” is: 30 x 3 Assignment: This is taken from a Theravada Buddhist mindfulness exercise. Each […]
remember the touch of your Daddy’s strong hand upon you when you were 4? the comfort? the Release into the Realization that you are Unconditionally Loved?!?
“…Sacred Joy is in every moment, it travels from the inside to the outside…
which is why WF trains us from inside toward the outside…”
photo from back in the day in my former life as a sponsored (there were no professional) climber…my home office: Eldorado Canyon, circa 1982.
this is my Dharma Mentor of free soloing (no rope); Derek Hersey (aka; The Human Fly) followed by Mic Fairchild during a stint we used to call
a ‘double free solo’. route: Hair City on the Bastille in Eldo…5.9+ Below is a letter i wrote to…