Detering cookin padma

Student Detering engaging several WF Practices:  Earned Sustenance, Non-Dominant Hand Technique, Smiling Guru,  Challenge Discomfort, et. al.  Oh like, you think we can’t ALL be inspired by WF Students like Susan?  Sangha?   We NEED your bravery to SHARE what you have found within WF!  photo and chi, courtesy of Student Detering.  Search the Archives for […]

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Eyes of Buddha

Once there was a Dzogchen yogi who lived unostentatiously, surrounded, however, by a large following of disciples. A certain monk, who had an exaggerated opinion of his own learning and scholarship, was jealous of the yogi, whom he knew not to be very well read at all. He thought: “How does he, just an ordinary […]

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Life In Kali Yuga- When will the Dharma of WF be listened to?

They Ain’t Laughing Now…i first wrote publicly about the physiologic, physical, and spiritual dangers of listening to headphones while exercising when “Walkmans” first became popular in the early eighties. Back then i was a columnist for Rocky Mountain Sports & Fitness. I wrote that listening extensively to blaring music piped directly into ears was a […]

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of Pain and Practice…

Published on Jun 19, 2010 by in Chi Hits, Dharma Teaching

of Pain and Practice…

an alpine bouquet for you…photo by ilg two days ago. Whatever you do, don’t shut off your pain; accept your pain and remain vulnerable. However desperate you become, accept your pain as it is, because it is in fact trying to hand you a priceless gift: the chance of discovering, through spiritual practice, what lies […]

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Sarvanga Sadhana; The Brutal Truth About Wholeness Training…calling only the Fearless Warriors!

What makes the Path of WF so unique is her utter devotion towardeverything that we suck at. Other athletes and many yogis focus for decades ondoing those things – including behaviors and tendencies – that they are ‘good’ at… meanwhile…only the WF Yogi, the WF Athletecherishes that most captivating goal of all; Wholeness.targeting weakness wherever […]

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How To Make Offerings…

Published on Apr 03, 2010 by in Dharma Teaching

How To Make Offerings…

Dewah, yesterday morning at our Daddy and Dewah Breakfast Time at The Brickhouse Cafe. The antique rocking horse’s nameis ‘Brii’ according to Dewah. Brii is only one of several ancient chi treasures in this 108 year-old restored Victorian house. When you sign up for your WF Private Intensive, we’ll be sure to take you here […]

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One Of The Greatest Gifts Of All…

“As you continue to meditate on compassion, when you see someone suffer, your first response becomes not mere pity but deep compassion. You feel for that person respect and even gratitude, because you now know that whoever prompts you to develop compassion by his or her suffering is in fact giving you one of the […]

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If We Overcome Our Anger…

Published on Mar 12, 2010 by in Dharma Teaching

If We Overcome Our Anger…

Like Teacher, Like Student…we each have plenty of Inner Work to do when it comes to sitting still and disciplining our minds. first photo: coach ilg in Japa Mala, second photo; WF Student Daniel Sauve of Canada during a WF Intensive. IF we overcome our Anger as it arises…then,we’ll always be happy, right? or at […]

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