how about YOU?!?! have you faithfully c(om)pleted the solo division of the Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon? if not, do so THIS YEAR, and join me as on Feb. 16th, 2013…ilg returns to solo this Traditional Pilgrimage of WF! i haven’t soloed it since 2009 and i’ll need to see YOUR face on the soloist Start Line! review the Archives…see how so many WF Students like YOU have done what it takes to become Transformed by the WF Deities which hover over this Pilgrimage!
“fantastic wholistic Mt. Taylor pre-season training today! early am personal practice into inline skate to teach yoga, into an hour of indoor climbing with my Beloved Joy Kilpatrick, into an hour of inline skating at 14 mph/average along the bike path, passing bicyclists! tired and sacredly stoked…”
9:42 am: when ilg runs? the simplest, most fragile of things open my heart, filet it wide open, and my spirit just soars into Father Sky…what IS IT about running feet massaging Mother Earth that shakes our Chakra’s so?! who CARES about health, longevity, fitness? to be able to run along the treasured forested paths is ENOUGH by itself! ilg hasn’t been running through decades because i reckon it might tack on a few more years to my incarnation…ilg runs because running is Pilgrimage, it’s more than the Seat of my Soul, it’s the Karmic SWEAT OF MY SOUL!
How a WF Master Student ‘actively recovers’ from chopping 36+ minutes off her time in a 75-kilometer winter quadrathlon; Padma crankin’ some sweet 3+ Waterfall Ice in Utah the other day…
HP Yogi Brad “bRad” Tafoya on his first Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon solo attempt; summit-baggin’ Heartbreak Hill and approaching Transition #3; the Snowshoe to the top
There is a saying…”Judge not a Teacher save by the nobility of his or her Students…” Ready to be inspired once again by one of your fellow Wholistic Fitness™ Warriors? Maybe next February, YOU could do what it takes to yogi squat on the summit of this Sacred Pilgrimage of Wholistic Fitness™…. WF Shishya PY halfway through her recent solo 75-kilometer, 4-sport Sacred Pilgrimage at the one and only; Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon…here is her own Race Report…buckle up! photo courtesy of Julie “PY” Mueller. Coming up next; my own Race Report!